My SO and I play games on the Steam app which has a bit of multiplayer things to do as well as solo. Steam recently released the beta for "Don't Starve Together" which is pretty fun! You and your SO, or anyone else you choose to play with, get dropped in the middle of no where and have to figure out how not to die by collecting resources, fighting villains, staying warm, not losing your sanity, etc etc. The original game "Don't Starve" was $15 and it's solo play (which I still really enjoy). My SO and I caught the multiplayer beta while it was on sale on Steam for $5 though and it still might be. The only downside to the beta is that it's not released for Mac yet but the solo play game is. I have boot camp so it's just a small inconvenience for me. Either way it's pretty fun to see how you and your SO communicate and work together to not die.
Just sharing something that could give anyone things to do!
Just sharing something that could give anyone things to do!