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Paper chain countdown

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    Paper chain countdown

    Remember doing these when you were a kid? Counting down to Christmas or summer vacation.

    I recently made one counting down until our first meeting. It's fairly short Only 27 more days! It's hanging at my desk at work. I think it's fun to countdown like this. I figured I'd share the idea.
    First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14

    I dont know what you're on about >.>

    Care to share?


      What you do is you make circles from strips of paper and link them together. What 5000miles is referring to is the practice of making the chain long enough to make a countdown calendar. Such as making one 25 circles long as a countdown to Christmas, starting December 1. Each day you tear a ring off before you go to bed.

      If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


        Originally posted by squiddie View Post
        What you do is you make circles from strips of paper and link them together. What 5000miles is referring to is the practice of making the chain long enough to make a countdown calendar. Such as making one 25 circles long as a countdown to Christmas, starting December 1. Each day you tear a ring off before you go to bed.
        Ooh! I see.. Sounds kinda fun x)
        I might do that after our next visit. Not much point now as it's only 4 days but.. yeah

        ..though I dont think I'll have the patience to make it for an 80+ day wait haha


          Sorry, it doesn't look like the picture worked... Anyway, squiddle's got it right. For example, I'm counting down 27 days, so I cut out 28 strips of paper about 10 inches long and an inch and a half wide (one extra to count down to zero istead of one). You loop the first strip of paper and glue, tape or staple it into a circle. Then you loop the second strip through the first one, creating a chain. I hope that makes sense. I'll try to post a picture again soon. But if you google "paper chain countdown" and look at the images, lots of examples come up.
          First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


            Yeah, I just googled it

            That could even be a little idea for a home-made gift for our SO too x)


              I loved making those chains as a kid!!!!! This is such a cute idea!


                Oooooh! Maybe I'll do this soon I used to love making them as a kid, and they can help decorate your room!!! This made me happy...
                [CENTER]"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."


                  I used to make paper chains all the time when I was a kid!! I once made one what was over 300 links long because I was bored XD I might do this after he comes up for Halloween, because after that we're not really sure about the next time we'll see each other. Probably around Christmas but hopefully shorter. It would be a cute little decoration for my room


                    I love this idea!!!! I'm so doing it when I have time


                      very cute idea...i should teach my girls this idea for Christmas...
                      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

