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Birthday gifts.

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    Birthday gifts.

    More inclined towards the ladies here - what do you get men for birthday presents?? We are so easy to buy for but men...I don't know whether to make him something, or buy him something nice...any tips??

    I personally like sentimental value over money value.
    You can buy him something, and have it have meaning.
    Or you can make something too...something that will both mean something to you and him. Try to see if you can come up with any inside jokes between you two, I'm sure there's something. A funny moment, a nick name, some form of teasing
    It's hard to rack your brain for ideas, trust me.
    I'm struggling with ideas for my Christmas present for my SO...I know how you feel.
    Just make it personal.
    Also try looking what he's into..if he's obsessed with a movie, a hobby he's really into, what he enjoys doing, etc.
    Good luck :]


      I pay close attention to things he mentions he wants when we're talking or walking around the mall when I visit him. I make a note of things I know that he wants and refer back to it for gifts I do this with pretty much everyone, and it really works, because no one gets how you remembered that they wanted it for so long.

      Also pay attention to his hobbies. My SO likes videogames, computers, and technology, so I'll probably look around electronics stores when picking out a gift for him.


        I like to make him something sentimental and get him something he wants (not expensive). That way he gets to open two gifts and it's obvious that you put a lot of time and thought into them.

        Like, for Xmas this year, I made him a video of pictures/videos of us set to a couple of songs. Plus, I'm getting him an inexpensive but reliable cell phone and bringing him hot chocolate mix and some other fun food things they don't sell in West Africa.


          We had just started dating when it was his bday this year....but I love to make him sentimental gifts... First guy that actually appreciates them!!
          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


            Ok, cool, something centimental or something specific to his hobbies Can do! Thanks guys!


              No problemo!
              Glad to have helped =)


                I can't remember what I got for his birthday our first year of dating...I guess it was just me taking him out to dinner and to see The Hangover (which we were supposed to see with friends, but plans changed).

                I merged our first anniversary and Christmas into one present, which were some books--two in Spanish (one of which he's read in English), and one that he'd been wanting to read. Our first Christmas together I got him a Wheel of Fortune video game, since he loves that show. It's fun, it actually has a wheel to spin!

                This year, for his birthday I made a photo book of the best pictures he took while living in Spain.

                For our anniversary (got to get on that--less than a month!), I'm getting him a keychain with a piece of a map in it. For Christmas, I've got copies of The Blues Brothers and This is Spinal Tap to give him.

                So basically, I've been getting him things he wants, and occasionally meaningful things.

                If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                  Congrats on the anniversary !
                  I know what games he likes and films too! will do some spying to see what he hasn't got that I can buy hi m


                    Originally posted by Beastofknowledge View Post
                    Congrats on the anniversary !
                    I know what games he likes and films too! will do some spying to see what he hasn't got that I can buy hi m

                    good luck with that ;P


                      I like more sentimental things probably more than he does.

                      I like to send him really soppy, lovey dovey, love letters, I'm sure he loves it really. He doesn't send me as many letters as I send him, but I just love writing him letters.

                      I just ask him what he wants, but usually it'll be a game or something he's been eyeing up for ages. Or I look at his hobbies like everyone has said, and take it from there.

