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here is smth fun to do and actually serious at the same time

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    here is smth fun to do and actually serious at the same time

    My mom is a psychologist and she asked me these questions when I was 6 (20 years ago) and she asked many people that is how I learned. Ask your SO these 5 questions and write down the results and post on here - i will tell you what the results mean and you may find out smth interesting abt your SO. Here it goes:

    1) What is your favorite pet and 3 reasons why
    2) What is your favorite wild animal and 3 reasons why (that wild animal can be a spider, a snake, a dolphin - just anything that ppl do not keep as a pet usually)
    3) Situation: you come home and your room is all white color: furniture, sofa, floors - everything is white. How would you feel in that room and would you like to change anything?
    4) Situation: You are in the woods, it is getting dark and you are lost. How would you feel in that situation and what would you do?
    5) Situation: You haven't eaten in 3 days. You are SO HUNGRY as never in your life. Your friend invites you to a buffet with all kinds of food from all over the World. Everything you can and can not imagine, foods that you know and foods that you do not know. What will you eat first and why that choice?

    P.S. you can answer those questions yourself too and post on here. I will do my best to try to answer individually

    IMPORTANT!!! Don't read other's posts before responding!!!

    People you are MISSING OUT because you have no clue what your answers will tell you (or your OS)
    comeone, who is the first to answer?


      1) What is your favorite pet and 3 reasons why
      Cat. It is independent, smart and affectionate

      2) What is your favorite wild animal and 3 reasons why (that wild animal can be a spider, a snake, a dolphin - just anything that ppl do not keep as a pet usually)
      Rabbit. (I know, you can have them as pets, but shh)
      They inspire me when I see them. I relate to the way they live. They are like the underdog - bad for the environment, because they were introduced into places they didn't belong. They live close to the earth.

      3) Situation: you come home and your room is all white color: furniture, sofa, floors - everything is white. How would you feel in that room and would you like to change anything? I'd feel open and invigorated, but also like there was a lot of promise there. I'd get some paint and some die. Either blue or red, and I'd paint one wall as a feature wall, and die the cushions and the rug to match. Then I'd bring in a potted plant.

      4) Situation: You are in the woods, it is getting dark and you are lost. How would you feel in that situation and what would you do?
      It would depend on the type of woods, if I had a hope, I'd try to get out. I might panic a little bit at first, but then I'd calm down and know that I'll still be ok. I would avoid making the situation worse.

      5) Situation: You haven't eaten in 3 days. You are SO HUNGRY as never in your life. Your friend invites you to a buffet with all kinds of food from all over the World. Everything you can and can not imagine, foods that you know and foods that you do not know. What will you eat first and why that choice?
      Something plain, probably a bread product. I've fasted for three days before, so I know that it's stupid to try eating anything too rich or greasy at first.
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        1) You are looking for a partner who will be quiet and easy and those are the qualities you value. Also you may even looking for someone who can be easily replaced if smth happens.

        P.S. do not get scared by that explanation. MAy be the fact that you are in LDR makes you answer that way coz may be very deep inside you realize that anything can happen. And also it may mean that you have been hurt before and you are afraid to get too attached to smb.

        2) The whale is you and how you see yourself and all the qualities you have mentioned is the qualities that you posses.
        3) If you could go back to your childhood you would change it. Not that your childhood was bad (you did not say the white room would horrify you or anything, but you did say you would paint it and put other colorful things in it)
        4) When you face a difficult situation you get scared and you try to quickly find a solution that you think is a good solution at the moment.
        5) YOu pick your dates based on your needs and you know exactly what (who) you like and why. YOu have chosen a comfort, filling food. It means that you are looking for men who will fill you up emotionally and physically (satisfy your hunger) and make you feel comfortable.



          1) YOu are looking for a partner who will be independent, smart and affectionate. Those are the main qualities you value in the person you want to be with and that is what you are looking for

          2) YOu see yourself as an inspiring person, you even said "I relate to the way you live" answering your own question about yourself lol YOu are down to Earth person and sometimes feel like an outsider.
          3) Even thought you like your childhood, seems like you had high expectations and dreams that did not come true. That is why if you had a choice and could change your childhood so that those things that you wanted would happen in the present days, you would totally go back and change something in your childhood. It is like for you, the white room is a blank piece of paper that you would use to draw your own picture and make the life you want to have out of it (you said you would feel free in that room and would bring some bright paint to "free" yourself in a way)
          4) When it comes to difficult situations, you always assess how bad the situation really is. You do worry and you do get scared but you act in accordance with the level of "badness" of the situation and you try to stay calm. YOu are not a conflict person and you like to fix things and not make a bad situation even worse.

          5) You are very picky about your dates and you probably are not the person who falls for "bad boys" (or girls if it was your BF's answers) You carefully chose who you date and try not to date those who may hurt you in any way.


            I thought that may be it would be a good idea to delete your interpretations after you read it....I do not know. May be not. I just would not want others to read and either give me "good" answers to interpret or try to interpret themselves (and most likely misinterpret). But that is up to everyone I am just reading what you wrote and tell you what that means


              That's pretty damn spot on. thanks for that!

              ETA: why not edit your first post and say "Dont read other's posts before responding"?
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                good idea ! Will do that!


                  1) What is your favorite pet and 3 reasons why
                  rats --> had 2 when i was younger, cuddlier than fish, less work than cats or dogs

                  2) What is your favorite wild animal and 3 reasons why (that wild animal can be a spider, a snake, a dolphin - just anything that ppl do not keep as a pet usually)
                  dolphin --> fascinating, beautiful, playful

                  3) Situation: you come home and your room is all white color: furniture, sofa, floors - everything is white. How would you feel in that room and would you like to change anything?
                  not really sure how i'd feel, but since i'm not the neatest person, i wouldn't bother making sure everything stays spotless. i guess after a while that would piss me off because, although i hate cleaning, i don't like things to be dirty. one of the reasons why i hate my room ^^

                  4) Situation: You are in the woods, it is getting dark and you are lost. How would you feel in that situation and what would you do?
                  i'd probably freak out. but when i was visiting a friend in sweden last year, who lived an hour on foot away from the closest bus stop, in the middle of the woods, we had to walk through the dark woods a few times. she told me that when she walks home alone she turns on the music on her mp3player and sings really loudly to scare anything away xD i guess i would try sth like that while walking around, trying to find a house or sth

                  5) Situation: You haven't eaten in 3 days. You are SO HUNGRY as never in your life. Your friend invites you to a buffet with all kinds of food from all over the World. Everything you can and can not imagine, foods that you know and foods that you do not know. What will you eat first and why that choice?
                  something not too weird that i already know. do you know that feeling when you're really hungry, and you feel sick because of that? i'd probably start out with something small, like cheese and crackers or sth like that.


                    1) What is your favorite pet and 3 reasons why
                    I like cats. I like their independence, that they're fairly easy to take care of, and I just find them funny.

                    2) What is your favorite wild animal and 3 reasons why.

                    Hrm...I love fish. They come in so many different shapes and colors, they're well-adapted to their living situations, and I'm fascinated by their evolutionary needs.

                    3) Situation: you come home and your room is all white color: furniture, sofa, floors - everything is white. How would you feel in that room and would you like to change anything?
                    I would feel so uncomfortable. White is so easy to stain and mess up--for the life of me, I do not understand why apartment complexes all have white carpet. And I'm clumsy, and spill everything. So I'd want to change it all. Also, I'd miss my green chair! I had to fight my sister tooth and nail for which of us got to take it. (My parents redid their living room about a year ago, and wanted to get rid of this chair.)

                    4) Situation: You are in the woods, it is getting dark and you are lost. How would you feel in that situation and what would you do?
                    I would stay put and hope that a search party came to find me soon. Hopefully I had enough sense to not be wandering the woods further after I realized I was lost.

                    5) Situation: You haven't eaten in 3 days. You are SO HUNGRY as never in your life. Your friend invites you to a buffet with all kinds of food from all over the World. Everything you can and can not imagine, foods that you know and foods that you do not know. What will you eat first and why that choice?
                    Curry. I've found that when I'm hungriest, I want spicy food. I suppose it fills me up more. And since I usually eat it over rice, that would definitely help.

                    If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                      @ gh0stfl0wers

                      1) You are looking for a partner who will be somewhat familiar to you. Not that it has to be someone you have known for a while (even thought that is a possibility also), but someone whose habits and personality are familiar to you and easy to understand. You are also looking for more or less independent partner who is not demanding.

                      2) You see yourself like a dolphin: fascinating, beautiful, and playful

                      3) YOu are more or less satisfied with your childhood and would not change it even if you could, even given the fact that not everything in your childhood you necessarily liked, but overall you are ok with it.

                      4) You do not like difficult situations and when something extraordinary happens you freak out. You try to kinda avoid the situation while trying to escape from it (listen to music, probably close your eyes, so you do not hear or see etc., while trying to get out)

                      5) When picking your dates you do not go for anyone exotic or different. You try to avoid unknown and, thus, chose the dates who will not "surprise" you and be more or less predictable so you feel more comfortable.


                        @ squiddie

                        1) YOu need a partner who is funny and independent and can take care of himself.
                        2) YOu see yourself as a fish and you see yourself as a person who can adapt to all kinds of situations taking all kinds of shapes, colors, and sizes if needed.
                        3) If you had a chance to go back to your childhood you would change it completely. Whether you grew up in a single home, your parents had bad relationships, someone important died when you were little, may be you grew up in an abusive family or were bullied in school and had a hard time in any way - you do not like it and your unconscious mind tells you that if only you could go back and change it all - you would. And there must have been something important in your childhood, some event or a person, that you are still carrying through all your life (whether it is good or bad - it affects you today)
                        4) In difficult situations you do not loose your face and you try to stay calm. You also try not to take action before the situation gets better and you do not mind help of others and prefer to wait till everything gets better. YOu are a careful person
                        5) When you pick your dates you know exactly what type of men you like (SPICY!) and you know that that type of men will give you what you need and what you want, that satisfaction in a smell, taste, and fulfillment. Also you may be interested in men who are a little extraordinary, because your choice of food was not typical


                          deleted mine for ya. this is cool, do my man?
                          1)Dogs; loyalty, obedience and unconditional love.
                          2)Polar bear, they're huge, their cubs are cute and they love coca-cola.... (he's cute)
                          3)I would make it earthy tones so it feels warmer and it's easier to hide dirt. I would feel strange in that room if I wasn't dressed in white.
                          4) Been there. I felt scares but my impeccable sense of direction got me home. Many times.
                          5) I would eat a nice big steak. Cause it tastes good.


                            @ Stephanieeee

                            1) He is looking for a woman who will love him unconditionally, will be loyal to him and will be the follower, not the leader.

                            P.S. Every time a man says "dog" it almost always means that he wants a woman who will forgive a LOT, will always come back to him no matter what and will just love him for all the good and bad. Not that it is bad, but men like that (and they are actually the majority) have self esteem issues a lot of times (some more than others) and need their partner to be submissive in forgiving so they feel better about themselves. Of course it is not a rule, it is just generally when men say "dog" they reasons why they say it are almost the same. Also those men look for a friend in their partner may be even more than anything else sometimes.

                            2) He sure is a funny man LOL but basically he sees himself strong and sees himself like a good dad one day.

                            3) HE is not very comfortable with his childhood and he would change it if he could. He feels like he did not belong a lot of times when he was little, that is why if he could he would make it more comfortable for him. His answer doesn't show anything horrible though, just probably a lot of insecurities about himself that come from childhood.

                            4) Even though he is afraid of difficult situations, he relies on his intuition and gut feeling when solving the problem (and apparently it works)
                            5) HE knows exactly what he likes in women and he has a particular type of women he likes. He is a "hunter" and will chose meat over everything else because probably deep inside he is very traditional (men chase women, wild animals chase their prey). He picks dates that will satisfy his needs (filling, comforting, he KNOWS it is tasty)


                              1) What is your favorite pet and 3 reasons why
                              Dog. They're cuddly and really loyal They're fun too

                              2) What is your favorite wild animal and 3 reasons why (that wild animal can be a spider, a snake, a dolphin - just anything that ppl do not keep as a pet usually)
                              Panda. Again, they're so cuddly and fluffy x) I think they're kinda cute too and they look like they're pretty lazy, just like me!

                              3) Situation: you come home and your room is all white color: furniture, sofa, floors - everything is white. How would you feel in that room and would you like to change anything?

                              Would feel like "wtf happened to my room" first of all x)
                              Then I'd make stuff dark blue and add some colour. All white is boring

                              4) Situation: You are in the woods, it is getting dark and you are lost. How would you feel in that situation and what would you do?
                              Well I'd feel fine, calm and laid back, which is what I'm like in most situations. It wont be completely pitch black, because the moonlight will go through the trees.. I'd keep walking in a straight line. I'll come to the end of the woods eventually.. They cant carry on forever

                              5) Situation: You haven't eaten in 3 days. You are SO HUNGRY as never in your life. Your friend invites you to a buffet with all kinds of food from all over the World. Everything you can and can not imagine, foods that you know and foods that you do not know. What will you eat first and why that choice?
                              I'd get whatever is there. If I'm that hungry I doubt I'd think about what to eat and be all picky. If Iwas really hungry, but not so hungry where I'd eat anything, I'd get sweet and sour chicken. Mmm-mmmmmm

