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two more suggested activites for you (don't know if this has been done before)

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    two more suggested activites for you (don't know if this has been done before)

    here are a couple of things me and my Fiancé started doing recently;

    1) both of us are really nerds so we skype (video and audio) and at the same time play call of duty black ops on PS3 ; sometimes we're on opposing teams so we run around to shoot each other and tease each other for it (its really fun!!) and other times we're on the same team so he looks out for me and revives me when i need it (very often)

    2) he also thought of doing video-messaging whenever we have something we want to share when we're not online (because of the stupid 7-hours time difference) ; like him removing snow off his car (which i see fascinating because i live in a country where it doesn't snow much), him shaving his beard (sexiest thing ever ) or me choosing photo frame and putting a photo from our engagement party in can be very creative (and naughty? )

    its cool because we share those things that we do on daily basis but can't actually see each other while doing them

    I think the video messaging is really cute.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

