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Long Distance Relationships: How to Survive the wait Video

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    Long Distance Relationships: How to Survive the wait Video

    I made this video a couple of days ago now, about ways to make the wait go faster and "hang out" together before then.

    Let me know what you think!

    God bless!

    It's a nice try, but there's a lot of 'uh's' and 'ah's'. Also, I think you may want to relabel it LDR's for Christians, as it's bent towards Christians. Otherwise you're going to drive a lot of people away as the first thing listed is a Christian based statement of faith - that will turn many non-Christians off. There's a lot of time talking with stale pictures, which may turn viewers off after a few minutes - there's not a lot of visual action to keep a person really interested.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      Hey that's some great advice there. With regards to the Christian thing, I understand if non-Christians are not interested in it as the channel is "Christian Dating Talk" so it's aimed at a smaller group then just general dating lol, maybe though it can benefit a small amount of Christians out there who happen to come across it.

      Regarding the static pictures, you are totally right there. I need to start making better, more interesting videos to go along with the audio. And with the "ums" and "uhs" thing, I guess that's cos I usually just think of a topic, start recording and go. Maybe if I plan them out a little better it will clear up those "ums" and "ahs" lol.

      I'm curious: do you Americans/English/Canadians find my Australian accent easy or hard to understand? My girlfriend is American and she understands it fine but she's used to it, so I'm wondering if others can understand me or whether it just sounds like jibberish haha.


        Script reading/practicing your speech will clear out most of those stutters. Don't be afraid to record yourself a few times and then cut and paste sections of your speech together to get the last that sneak through.

        So, I'm American, and although I'm dating an Australian, I understood him just fine when I listened to him for the first time. Really, accents aren't hard to work through, it's just making sure the speaker enunciates vowels clearly. You're refraining from all the slang, and you don't have the heavy accent combined with mumbling and slang, so you're ok.

        I don't think getting rid of the bible reading is necessary, by any means, just so you know.

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          I'm American and I think you're easy to understand. It's all about enunciation. I agree with Silviar that you should write out a script and practice a few times before you record.
          I would also shorten it down. 14 minutes is pretty long for people's attention spans in this day and age. I think no more than 5 minutes is good.


            Originally posted by mllebamako View Post
            I'm American and I think you're easy to understand. It's all about enunciation. I agree with Silviar that you should write out a script and practice a few times before you record.
            I would also shorten it down. 14 minutes is pretty long for people's attention spans in this day and age. I think no more than 5 minutes is good.
            Sad, isn't it, when 15 minutes is too long for us?

            You might want to consider - if you're doing this as an educational video, why not do a few bullet points of your info? Don't make it all text, but interspersing that with pictures and moving images wouldn't hurt. Think "Super Size Me"

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


              Originally posted by Silviar View Post
              Sad, isn't it, when 15 minutes is too long for us?
              Haha I know?! It's pitiful. But I speak the truth


                I generally agree with the advice given to you already, but I also just wanted to say I really enjoyed and appreciate the video, it had good ideas and I thought you did a good job.

