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Sending "I Love You" Postcards

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    Sending "I Love You" Postcards

    I saw this on and I thought this would be a great idea! Sending "I Love You" postcards here's the site for it! Even though, it may sound cheesy now but when your SO recieves them it won't be soo cheesy after all!

    I send my boyfriend postcards about once a week. When I see a cute card I buy it and I always have an addressed, stamped envelope with me.

    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


      Aww those are really cute, I am considering sparing the money to buy those although half the time my SO loses his mail key so he may not see some of those post cards for a while lol

      Madly in love with Michael


        Originally posted by hxcbreakdance View Post
        Aww those are really cute, I am considering sparing the money to buy those although half the time my SO loses his mail key so he may not see some of those post cards for a while lol
        ^ hahahah losing the mailkey lol lmao!! aww that's like funny cute like hahah aww hahah aww lol


          Awww so cuteeeeeeeeee! I love sending my boyfriend letters or post cards


            x) cute cards and a cute idea


              Ohhhh I love these. They are a must have. Thank for sharing.
              Love is patient and kind. It does not envy or boast; is not proud, rude or self-seeking. Love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. It does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

              ~*~Love never fails~*~ 1 Corinthians 13


                These are super cute!!! I love them but I'm not sure my SO would. I'm all for the corny stuff


                  I like it. I bookmarked the page so maybe I can purchase it at a later time.


                    When I go to the post shop I'll often buy a post card of something in my area and write him a note on the back about it and how I'm going to take him there when he moves over here. I send him letters all the time too haha :P


                      When I go to walmart if I see in their discount cards something cute and simple(simple is key-I would love to send those love poem ones, but he wouldn't be able to read them!), I buy it and send it. Otherwise, if it's something special about California/America, and iconic, I'll send it too. I've been considering making my own photos into cards, since I'm a bit of a nature photographer...


                        That would be fun! Im working on a journal of letters to him. When the book is full ill send it to him!


                          I saw these at Barnes & Noble near Valentine's Day and absolutely had to buy them. I've been sending them to my boyfriend once a week since I bought them as a countdown til he gets here June 13th. He loves them (: I highly recommend buying these to send to your SO. They're very nice, some are cheesy...and a few are weird but they do mean a lot. I'm always sending my boyfriend mail, it's to the point now that my post ladies Donna and Gayle know his address haha


                            I just recently bought a $.50 postcard with a picture of my city and a great view of the ocean. I used it as a little reminder that we'll be seeing each other soon and he loved it!


                              I absolutely adore sending him cards and letters. These are adorable.

