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Tried one of the things on the LDR list!<3

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    Honestly, I think watching TV/movies together is the best thing anyone in a LDR could do. Ray and I watch so much stuff together (while talking on Skype) and it's been tons of fun! ^^ He doesn't like watching episodes a week apart (he can't stand the suspense with cliffhangers hehe he's so cute :3), so we wait for the season to finish airing and find it online to watch. Sometimes we dig up old movies and watch those together too. It's great because it entertains us and gives us great conversation topics to talk about after/during. Just the other night we used and watched a bunch of Whose Line is it Anyway? clips. We laughed our butts off for hours XD

    @leaveluck2heaven Ray is constantly asking me when the new Doctor Who is starting up. I got him hooked lol I think it's the only show where he might actually forego waiting till the season's aired before watching.

    @CanadianGirl We did the webcam thing during the Winter Olympics. Since the American coverage was crap, I set up my webcam so he could watch some of the hockey games with me. ^^


      Originally posted by tomandlissie View Post
      This sounds like a GREAT idea! I will have to find some time where my SO is available to do this. One of our favorite things to do, so far, has been to eat the same dinner together on Skype.
      I wish he had time to go on the computer for Skype.


        Originally posted by princessmia View Post
        My boyfriend and I have recently made a little tradition of watching Glee the next day online together. It's fun watching each other laugh and respond to the different parts of the show. And we can talk about it. Doing that with him makes me want to sit beside him and just watch TV, and share that with him. Plus we both have really interesting reactions, so it can be pretty entertaining, haha.
        Haha, aww. I love Glee.
        Kenny would never watch that in his life though xD

