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Birthday Cake?

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    Birthday Cake?

    I've been reading through all the posts, and everyone has some really great ideas =)
    So, I thought I'd post one that I have

    My boyfriend's birthday is coming up and lately I've been sending him packages of yummy goodness =).
    Like for Christmas I sent him homemade peanut butter cups, because he told me that Reese's are his favorite chocolate bar (they're not really a bar are they? =/ Oh well lol). And for Valentines day I sent him Peanut Butter cookies with home made peanut butter filled heart chocolates in the center..
    As you can tell he likes peanut butter >.>

    Anyway, like I said his birthday is coming up and I've been thinking pretty hard about what I want to send him this time. Honestly, I'd love to bake him a cake.. but I'd imagine sending a cake through the mail could be a bit messy... However, when I came across this site a little light went on inside my head.
    I figured I could bake him a little mini cake using this method and send it to him that way.

    What do you think?

    I think this is a super cute idea!!!! I would love to do this for my bf when his bday comes up!!


      It sounds like a great idea - it's still cake, just in a more movable format.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        I just realized that there's a gift idea forum =X
        I think this probably belongs in there...
        Ugh I'm such a noob lol


          I love this idea and I am going to try it....thanks.
          Love is patient and kind. It does not envy or boast; is not proud, rude or self-seeking. Love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. It does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

          ~*~Love never fails~*~ 1 Corinthians 13


            Oh my gosh yes! I never thought about that! I'll defintely look into that for my own guy. But, yes I think you should give it a shot and tell all of us how it went haha


              BEST. IDEA. EVER.
              I'm totally doing this!


                Love this idea. I just mailed these out this morning for my SO!


                  This is awesome if your SO lives in the same country as you! I couldn't imagine, as much as I love him, spending $100 to overnight him a cupcake.


                    it sounds super cute. i used the cake website from this site and had them send one to my so for me. he really liked it.


                      its a great idea i sent it to my BF in June only thing is i freezed the cupcakes and put frozen frosting on them BAD idea the frosting thawed and was running and just didnt look good so he had to refreeze them. My suggestion and what i will do next time i will send a separate container for the icing or send it in a baggie inside a container so it wont look so messy


                        Aw, it's a sweet idea (both literally and figuratively speaking, haha).


                          This is an amazing idea! I now know what to do for my boyfriend's birthday! ty


                            That is a really cute idea! My boyfriend's birthday is coming up as well, and I was wondering what to get him. I might try this ^^


                              GREAT IDEA thanks for sharing!

