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    So I surprised Beau for his birthday last week and flew out to see him during my spring break. When he came for our anniversary/valentine's day last month, I had a bit of a breakdown and told him that I really needed something that was tangible, that was a reminder that he really loves me, even when things get hard or I'm mad at him. I knew there was no way I'd be getting a ring (as mush as I wanted one... I never thought I'd be that kind of girl!) and after he left I sort of let it go.

    Well, he didn't forget about it. My first night there for spring break, after he'd gotten over the initial shock of me surprising him, he sat me down and told me that he was going to get my nickname tattooed on him. I immediately freaked out. Doesn't it seem like a silly thing to do? Do you ever hear good stories about people who get their SO's name tattooed on them? No, it's always that they broke up and had to get it covered up.

    After we talked about it a little more and I realized he'd put a lot of thought into it, he told me that he was going to get it on the inside of his lip. Which is perfect, really, because lip tattoos fade so if (god forbid) we didn't end up together, eventually my name would be gone. It's also very private because how many people are going to be poking around in your mouth?

    So I jumped on the bandwagon and the next day, I got this done:

    And he got my nickname, KIWI, on this inside of his!

    It was quite cheap, and it hurt. Afterwards, he paid for them both and I had a bit of a breakdown (probably due to adrenaline) about how he had bought me a tattoo and how my name was on his body.

    It really was amazing. Even if lip tattoos aren't completely permanent it still feels absolutely amazing to know that my name is on his body. He likes it because he feels like it's a very intimate place for a tattoo, and the way he put it is, "You're always in my mouth anyway, I'm always talking about you".

    Obviously this isn't for everyone (I have 21 piercings already but this was my first tattoo! but this was obviously something I would be into). But I thought I should share!

    That is sweet that he found a way to give you that "reminder" in a way that accommodated you!
    ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


      How interesting! I wasn't aware that lip tattoos aren't exactly permanent. I've often had daydreams of my SO and I getting tattoos together (if we were to get married), but my SO isn't much into tattoos on himself. I, on the other hand, have thought on and off of getting one (Pisces, my zodiac sign). I think your idea was cute, and the lip is an interesting place! As your SO said, he's always talking about you, so it is a perfect place!


        that's interesting i didn't know tattoos fade in the lip area...
        my SO n i want to get a tattoo too, it would b the Converse logo because we both have a crazy love for the chucks ...


          My SO and I have wanted to get tattoos! We both want a similar design. I want sorta like ball or some shape of thorny vine on my ribs, with her initials intricately(Just in case I ever have to pretend they aren't there...just in case) in there.

          And the lip? That seems like a really sweet place and I might look into that, but damn that must have hurt!


            Originally posted by Mirna View Post
            that's interesting i didn't know tattoos fade in the lip area...
            my SO n i want to get a tattoo too, it would b the Converse logo because we both have a crazy love for the chucks ...
            Yeah, if you look you can see the B is sort of melting and the bottom line of the E is fading a little. normally tattoo artists will guarantee a tattoo, like if it doesn't heal right or it fades they'll touch it up for free, but no one will guarantee a lip tattoo.


              Yeah all tattoos sort of fade a little. That's cute for you guys!

              To give a funny story about getting SOs names tattooed: My boss a long time ago had a name "Darius" tattooed on her arm. I figured it was her father's name because she was gay. Well turns out it was actually her ex boyfriend's name BEFORE she starting dating women! hahaha!!


                My SO doesn't do tattoos so he wouldn't do one, but he likes the idea of me tattooing a ring on my finger after I get my real one - that way I can never take it off I only have one, but they can be an addiction - I've spent years trying to come up with my next design


                  My SO said he is going to get my name tattooed. I'm planning on getting his done on my inner thigh, hopefully before he moves over here so I can surprise him with it. But I don't have the money to do it.


                    so usually very skeptical of SO name tattoos, but this is awesome! i love the meaning and the uniqueness of it! so cool. my boyfriend and i are getting tattoos when we get married. i alrady have one that is half a heart and will get finished representing my husband completing my heart after were married. =)


                      That's so cute!

                      I've always wanted a tattoo and the SO and I have talked about what I should get a number of times. We were skyping the other night and he has his shift off, and out of nowhere I just said 'you should get a tatto just below your right nipple'. He loved the idea and told me I should pick what it should say, he really wants my name in it too. I told him if I'm picking his, he has to pick mine.

                      He likes the idea of a thin chain around my ankle, and we have a thing with butterflies (he bought me the prettiest butterfly necklace when we first met) and he suggested having the same butterfly hanging from the chain. I like the idea of having some flowers on my foot with the butterfly and a W (for his name) intwined in it.

                      So it looks like we'll both be getting tattoos at some point when we're back together
                      He keeps saying he doesn't want really want his name on me, because of our age gap we're aware I'm going to be around a lot longer than him. And he said if I was to be with anyone else it would be a little awkward.

                      The way I see it tattoos represents times in our lives. Being with him is the most important time of my life I would want to remember and if I was ever with another person they would have to accept that I had that time.


                        That's so cute!

                        I've always wanted a tattoo and the SO and I have talked about what I should get a number of times. We were skyping the other night and he has his shift off, and out of nowhere I just said 'you should get a tatto just below your right nipple'. He loved the idea and told me I should pick what it should say, he really wants my name in it too. I told him if I'm picking his, he has to pick mine.

                        He likes the idea of a thin chain around my ankle, and we have a thing with butterflies (he bought me the prettiest butterfly necklace when we first met) and he suggested having the same butterfly hanging from the chain. I like the idea of having some flowers on my foot with the butterfly and a W (for his name) intwined in it.

                        So it looks like we'll both be getting tattoos at some point when we're back together
                        He keeps saying he doesn't want really want his name on me, because of our age gap we're aware I'm going to be around a lot longer than him. And he said if I was to be with anyone else it would be a little awkward.

                        The way I see it tattoos represents times in our lives. Being with him is the most important time of my life I would want to remember and if I was ever with another person they would have to accept that I had that time.

