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Video Games :)

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    i used to play World of Warcrack...He makes fun of me for it XD
    But we both play L4D & L4D2 as well as pokemon for DS haha


      I really wish I had the time to play WoW again. But after the game started freezing on my computer and I started classes again I ran out of time and so never renewed my subscription but I actually really loved playing it with my boyfriend. Now, I feel sorta bad since I don't have any newer game systems nor the funds to buy one/games and I know he'd really like it if I could play the recent ones comig out like Portal 2 or Bioshock with him and whatnot.


        That is SO adorable! ^^ I love it! I'm getting an Xbox360 and my SO is getting Live for me...^^ We'll be able to play together! It's gunna be so funnnn!!!! Are there any games you reconmend for couples for teh 360? I'm getting L4D2 first...XD


          We actually met playing online matchmaking on Halo 3
          For couples on Xbox, I recommend Fable 3; you can get married and "do-the-deed"(although it doesn't show it, the sounds are kinda awkward rofl it makes for a good laugh!) and have kids haha. Me and my SO like to run around as king and queen and complete quests together, but it's nice imagining us being married
          But as for other games we play together, you'll find us playing Call of Duty, Black Ops mostly so we can play zombies together, but sometimes we do one on one matches on Modern Warfare 2; Grand Theft Auto IV; Left for Dead 1 and 2; Uno; Monopoloy; Halo, mostly Reach since it's the newest one out; any of the Rockband or Guitar Hero games (but moreso Rockband where I'll sing and he'll play guitar); Mortal Kombat; Red Faction; Kinect Adventures; Portal, and just about anything else you can think of haha wer're obviously obsessed with gaming
          You never forget your first love...


            My SO and I actually met on an online game - the infamous World of Warcrack. We started dating years and years later, but it's nice that we have an interesting story. Although, seems like a lot of you guys met on a video game! Cool stuffs


              Originally posted by jiynx View Post
              the infamous World of Warcrack.
              Love that! Hahaha I work at Gamestop and my manager is always like "do we really have to sell WoW? It's so addictive, we might as well be selling drugs!"
              You never forget your first love...


                Originally posted by heylittlekrissy View Post
                We actually met playing online matchmaking on Halo 3
                For couples on Xbox, I recommend Fable 3; you can get married and "do-the-deed"(although it doesn't show it, the sounds are kinda awkward rofl it makes for a good laugh!) and have kids haha. Me and my SO like to run around as king and queen and complete quests together, but it's nice imagining us being married
                But as for other games we play together, you'll find us playing Call of Duty, Black Ops mostly so we can play zombies together, but sometimes we do one on one matches on Modern Warfare 2; Grand Theft Auto IV; Left for Dead 1 and 2; Uno; Monopoloy; Halo, mostly Reach since it's the newest one out; any of the Rockband or Guitar Hero games (but moreso Rockband where I'll sing and he'll play guitar); Mortal Kombat; Red Faction; Kinect Adventures; Portal, and just about anything else you can think of haha wer're obviously obsessed with gaming
                I play Fable 3 with my SO occasionally. We got married and had kids, both in his and my world. It was so funny, we were in hysterics when we heard the "sound effects" and the squeaky bed... dare I say anymore? haha
                We also play Halo 3 matchmaking games too side by side, he only ever used to have a PS3 but because I have an xbox he decided to get one and play on xbox live with me. It's been great fun I'm considering Call of Duty Black Ops because him and his friends all play it, and it was through xbox live that I met his friends. They're pretty awesome and funny to say the least I also play Minecraft with my SO, anyone else play that? We've made our own servers and we've had a load of great times on it, especially blasting creepers with a bow and arrows lol.
                My SO and I played the MMORPG games Shaiya (which is like a free version of WoW) and Grand Fantasia. On GF, we became lovers too because there's an option that lets you confess love for someone and you both get bonuses for it! It's also highly cute Shaiya doesn't have so many emotes, but you can still get married ingame and before we both decided to stop playing it, we exchanged rings and we did just that. ^_^
                We play msn games together as well sometimes, I beat him at draughts and it was funny when he just facepalmed and said with a laugh "I give in!" Lol.
                We don't get to play games much anymore, only at weekends, since he's busy with school and in a week's time almost I'll be off to university. But we make time occasionally.
                We actually met on a game called Tap Tap Revenge 3, in the chatrooms. Possibly one of the funniest ways we could have met ;D
                Here's a couple of pictures of Chris and I on shaiya:

                The above edit was made my my SO for our 8th monthsary <3


                  My SO and I met through a gaming community that is focused around Team Fortress 2. Video games is truly a savoir when it comes to an LDR (at least in my case). It gives us something to do and we can chat while we play. My SO and I play mostly Steam games and run a Minecraft server together. It's a lot of fun and I think every LDR needs some video game time! :P


                    Me and my fiance met on xbox live as well! We played Call of Duty Black Ops together and now all we do is watch netflix in a party with each other, or with our friends! (:
                    Our love is forever. 5/14/11 <3

