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Long Distance Birthday?

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    Long Distance Birthday?

    Hi Everyone,

    Tom here wondering what you do for birthdays with your long distance significant other. Lissie and I live quite far apart (North Carolina to Massachusetts), but even still it's just a 2 hour plane ride and we're in each other's arms. Sadly, though, it's not that simple with conflicting work schedules and otherwise busy lives.

    Lissie wanted so badly to come visit for my birthday, which I would have LOVED, but it just didn't work out. To surprise me, she made me a birthday box and put all kinds of crazy things in it. Since I love bowling, she made me an awesome bowling shirt with my name on it. She included some handmade (with love) salt and pepper shakers, an awesome handmade card, some party music, and other fun things. She wanted to send me a birthday party in a box, so that even though we couldn't be together I could still enjoy my birthday. It was very sweet of her and made me smile from ear to ear. You can read more about the birthday box and some of the OTHER items it contained here: Tom And Lissie Do a Long Distance Birthday Right!

    What sorts of things have YOU done for your significant other on his or her birthday? Remember, that is one day a year that your lover is expecting the day to be all about them, so make sure you do something to put a big smile on his or her face!

    We hope you enjoy our post. Don't forget to LIKE US on Facebook or SUBSCRIBE to our email list for updates!

    Until next time, Keep loving from a distance!


    Well for my birthday which was in January, I got to see my boyfriend Ben the day before which was amazing! And he sent me a present in the mail that week which was really sweet! And I'm lucky to be able to spend his birthday with him this year which is coming up May 8th! I'll be seeing him May 6th and leaving some time on his birthday, and I'm really excited I can be a part of this big day for him! I feel really grateful! Even though I'm seeing him I still want it to be extra special since I'll be leaving on his birthday, so I'm going make him brownies at his house (his favorite dessert of all time), and I got him a little present just to show him hey it's your birthday I love you! And I plan on taking plenty of pictures with him so I can then later send them to him! So I haven't experienced a birthday yet with not seeing him at least a day before since we have been dating 5 and a half months, but when it comes one day where we may not be together for each other's birthday, I'll make sure to make it extra special


      Well my boyfriend's birthday is May 18th. He wants me to be there so bad but money right now is short and in gas its too much to drive from FL to NC. So since he is so upset with me about not coming I am trying to make it up by buying him little things and personal things that would mean so much to him. 1st I bought him a big mug that has Pit Bulls on it since he loves his so much and so do I, I just knew he would love it. 2nd I will be getting him a pillow pet I know its childish and since he is turing 26 it seems even more weird but for some reason he just really really wants one and it has to be a turtle. I plan on making him his fav cake and putting in in little mason jars so they will be little minnie cupcakes I found it on here from someone else. there will be some other little things thrown in there but the number one thing is his promise ring that i had engraved for him saying Jamie and Shane True Love. I know he will love it and I can't wait to hear his voice when he opens it. But that is what i plan on doing for his birthday and he will be with me on mine which is only a month away from his.


        For my birthday in February, my SO and I had a special Skype session. He was here the month before and had left a present for my birthday for me. I had to wait a whole month to open it! It was super special for us to be able to spend some time together on my birthday, and it was really special to me to be able to open something from him. I think he really enjoyed getting to see me open it and the look of surprise on my face when I did.

        For his birthday in August, I'll hopefully get to spend it with him in England. I don't have anything really planned now, but I'm planning on making him a double chocolate fudge cake. He absolutely loves chocolate!
        "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

        "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

        Met: August 22, 2010
        Made it official: September 17, 2010
        Got engaged: January 15, 2012
        Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
        Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
        Got married: November 21, 2012
        Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
        Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


          I was 21 last week and my man sent a parcel and a seperate envolope with a card. My birthday was on the 25th of April, and he sent it around the first week of March with a two week delivery time, and I'm still waiting.

          He feels so bad that I didn't have it for my birthday but it's really not his fault. I hate the postal service. He has to wait a certain ammount of days before claiming it as missing, but he's moving into our new apartment like two days away from our home before that date, so unless it shows up here there's not much chance of us getting it back.

          I'm going to be back out there with him in 29 days though, so we've made plans to celebrate my birthday then.


            Her birthday is in June. I'm seeing her a few weeks after.
            I'm just going to sing her Happy Birthday on my guitar & post it on her facebook wall. P:


              once i did a pretty intense pic for him, it took awhile, color pencil, ink outline, a lot going on. last year i sent him a box full of crazy junk like a painting of his guitar (it says i love you in the stain glass background), lollypps, a cute little voodoo doll lmao

              i think this year i'll do another good picture for him, i really want to focus on trying to brighten up his christmas though

