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    Heey all,

    Just wanted to share a few things I have and she has made, making, been wanting to make. And ask for some advice, haha. I suck at handicrafts, but yeah.

    I've made her a dreamcatcher before our first visit. There's plenty of tutorials online, but basically you get some metal rings, some fabric to tie around the rings, some wool or something like it to tie in the center and some beads, feathers, etc. It's quite a bit of work, but it's not too hard. Well... for normal people, haha. Quite a big deal for me. Mine had one big ring, two small ones, three types of thread (one special blue with gaps and other bits, one light yellow and the other dark yellow), brown feathers, beads and some other ornamental stuff., this is an okay site. There's video tutorials also on youtube, but once you get the gist, it's not too hard.

    I'm making a blanket now. 2 meters long by 1.5 meters wide, haha. Huge! I'm cutting 12 cm long by 3 cm wide pieces all around, with corners cut out in an L kind of shape. There's two sheets of fabric, one gray (her favorite color) and one deep purple. I will tie the matching pieces together all around so the sheets are stuck together. Then I will cut out some letters on both sides, maybe I love you and her name. The color will show through then. Then I will stuff the blanket with some scented herbs to give it a nice smell and that's it!

    I want to make her a necklace. My SO loves necklaces made out of fabric, so I'm seeing how to do that. Tips appreciated. (, kind of like this).

    We both want to make one. But I don't know what to put in exactly and how to make it look nice. Any tips really appreciated!

    I've been meaning to make a small painting or drawing. HOWEVER, I am so bad at it, truly.. I can't draw good stick figures, haha. No, no, but you get the point. Any tips?

    Things she made:
    A towel with 'My Little Angel' (wings and halos on the letters included) embroidered on it. Very cute and very well done... So cuuute!

    Little scented bags made out of fabric and some herbs and such.

    1000 origami stars... AWWWW! So sweet...

    Yeah, so do you have any handicraft stuff you've made, been meaning to make or are making? I'd love to hear about it! I'd also love to hear any tips or ideas you have for me! I really want to do some more handicraft stuff. I'm not good at it, but it's something special to show your love in different ways, so I want to!

    Have a nice day,

    Adia, you're on my mind and in my heart...

    I love this post!! im so glad because i feel like im out of good ideas! ill post pics of what ive done, including the scrapbook so you can get an idea of what it looks like, but i have to ask my boy for pics as he has all the stuff and i didnt get to take a pic of it!!

    for scrapbooking, go to your local art store like Micheals and get a small book. i would recommend a smaller size when starting out, like a nice square shape, the bigger pages mean you have to do more work and get bigger backgrounds, so if youre starting i would say go for a smaller size page. ive been scrapbooking for years, but i like to keep it cheap so i usually collect stuff when we're out together, like maps we got from the tourist offices of places we've been, then i use that as a background. that way you dont spend a lot of money on background pages. i also grab napkins and all the tickets, even a piece of a cork tree we sat under at a park!! when he sees the little stuff like that that i collected while we were out he loves it! i also have some space on my pages to write about what we did that day, just little inside jokes that he would forget about otherwise. also print pics out at home rather than going to wal mart or something, in the end its cheaper if you just get photopaper and ink and use your own printer.

    i also made a little "love bug" out of felt, ill post a pic as well, i just used cotton pads for makeup to stuff it, then i sprayed it with my perfume and he loves it! the scent has lasted for months now.

    i also painted him a wooden box. i love painting and he had no place for his letters and would just leave them all around his desk, so this box was especially for that. i got one from a dollar store (which are amazing if you live in canada!) and just had small little paintings of a whole bunch of inside jokes on it! he loves it and it turned out so well that i didnt want to give it to him! ill post pics of that soon too!


      Oh you're awesome. I'd literally die if my SO made me anything. He's not real crafty! haha. I love the blanket idea though. You're just too sweet!

      Necklace: Link didn't work but I'd like to know more...I might make myself some.

      There are a few posts here about scrapbooking. Maybe we need a whole page dedicated to scrapbooking since it comes up quite often but here's what I did....
      So I started one for the SO our very first v-day together. I used a 3 ring binder and place things in sheet protectors. That way I just send him the new pages and he slips them in. I just buy colored computer paper and construction paper. Then I just paste the pictures and use the colored paper as decorations. Sometimes I use stickers or other things. I put EVERYTHING in there! =] Our pictures, I printed some chats, emails, I've even taken pictures of text messages and used those pictures. I printed lyrics of songs that remind us of us, and used just certain lines around some of the photos. I made a list of 'days to remember' like the day we met, our first date, first kiss, day we officially started dating. I write everything down too, usually one of the love letters I send and he adds it. But if we do something and it means a lot I'll write it down very detailed and descriptive so we'll never forget! =D Our anniversary I sent all the pics of stuff from last V-Day until then. I keep every little thing and add it. All my plane tickets, baggage tags, etc. I usually paste them on the page first then past pics over it, just to add a little something to the page. I keep pamphlets from things we do. I added a map from the day we spend in St. Louis. I keep movie tickets, receipts of things we do together, I even kept the empty pack of gum he gave me those first 2 weeks we had together. =D Inside jokes definitely! Anything and everything! I put it!
      Oh as far as price. I signed up at and they send out coupons for photo items ALL THE TIME! I've gotten discount prints and a few free things like a calender and 8x10 that I've given to the SO. A lot of times it will be 30-50% off of photo items!

      I posted something in love letters about putting your love on canvas. It has my last painting and a few others have done. Click here!

      I did a pillow. Sort of like your blanket. He's a country boy so I got the same camo pattern as his sheets. [[yes he has camo sheets, I told him to enjoy it because I WILL NOT have camo sheets! lol]] But used t-shirt transfer paper and an old sheet. Then sewed those on and then did a no-sew pillow.

      Went to a local craft store, bought twine and beads and a heart charm that says "always" I made myself a bracelet (which recently broke and have not be able to fix) and made him a matching keychain!

      Got the idea from just friends. lol I used a photo editing program to make the images and then t-shirt transfer paper again. Not sure how much he really wears it but he did say he wears it under his shirt sometimes. lol

      Pillow Case:
      Loved the BoldLoft pillow cases, but I wanted one that was more personalized. So I drew the boy and girl, scanned it, then printed it on t-shirt transfer paper! Used a photo editing program to add the camo to his ACU's.

      That's all I can think of now. If I remember anything else I'll post it.
      Last edited by BJL_Sweetheart1109; March 26, 2010, 03:17 PM. Reason: forgot pic


        I've made quite a few things actually... Most of it was computer based though... Stationary to write letters on, little cards to stick in letters or whatever. Mixed cd's, DVDs of house....

        For Vday I made him something sort of scrapbook like but not really. You can see parts of it here. Its a regular three ring binder, covered in cloth (my mom helped me with that part.. we used no stich bonding stuff for getting to the right size and hiding the rough edges...she sewed it along the top and bottom for it to stay on the binder). I printed out pages that had quotes, pictures, song lyrics and all kinds of things and put them in page protectors. That's pretty much it for that one.

        I also did what I call rose petal I love yous..... I got some on sale fake rose petals and used a sharpie to write I love you in different languages (thanks to the internet and this post). Then bought a take out box looking thing and decorated it with felt stickers to put them in. I need to get the foam stuff in it to keep the box from getting squished in transit. You can see the petals and box here. (box is on the second page)


          awww wow y'all are very creative. I am not creative at all. These are soo cute! I love those pillowcases..they are super expensive though. I wish I was creative to do things like this. Making a blanket is a really good idea...maybe that would be good for easter.

