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Going Away/Suprise Party?

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    Going Away/Suprise Party?

    Hi everyone!
    I am going to officially be in a LDR September 18th when my SO leaves for college two hours away. We have been together for over a year and spend every minute with each other, so it's going to be very difficult for us. I was thinking about having a going away party, maybe a surprise, for him so he can say goodbye to his friends and me. Are there any ideas of what I could do for it? I really was thinking cheap and low key. The ideas I came up with are at a park where he can play soccer with his friends or out to dinner. I'm completely clueless! I don't want to pay a lot and I don't want his friends to pay a lot either. So any ideas are welcome! Thank you!!

    If you have enough room at home you could invite him over to hang out or for dinner and have everyone waiting for him when he gets there. Lots of things you could do really, talk to one of his friends maybe they could help you plan it. One of them could invite him out and you and all his friends could be waiting. Don't go for dinner with a large group though, as a former server its annoying and someone at the table always ends up paying more because someone skimps out. A bbq in the park might be fun though.


      Maybe to keep it cheap you could do the soccer and the bite to eat together. Ask all of his friends to bring a different kind of food, someone brings the hot dogs, someone brings the chips, the dip, pasta salad, etc. Most parks have pavilions with grills (or at least the ones around me do). If you want to make it a surprise, just tell him that you and him should go walk around the park together. Start walking towards the place that all the friends are and it'll be a surprise enough to see that all of his friends are there also.



        My friends had a surprise toga welcome back party for me. It was awesome. Everyone was waiting for me at my mom's house and everyone was dressed in togas! I was so confused!!! They came and wrapped me up in a sheet, and I finally got it It was lots of fun. Just my close friends, family, good food and drinks. It was a great time!

