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things to talk about

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    things to talk about

    Our conversation is starting to lack a little bit, we go through the "how was your day" and that simple stuff..we need some other things to talk about, any suggestions? I just purchased the 1000 questions book from LDR website and I cant wait to try it out but if anyone can suggest topics that we can talk about that would be great
    All because two people fell in LOVE <3
    ~mbb <3 jao~

    My girl and I like to plan sometimes for our future. Wedding, kids, names for said kids, etc... Things like that.

    Another thing we do, and this one may be a bit more odd, is that we RP (roleplay) characters, and we play out stories like that. If we run out of things to talk about, we RP. If you've got characters from a series you like, or if you guys want to try making up characters and plot on your own, it's really fun.


      that sounds like a lot of fun, thank you
      All because two people fell in LOVE <3
      ~mbb <3 jao~


        I don't know...I honestly was about to post something just like this!!! I did do the 1000 questions (well...the free 100 on the website) and it was fun. I feel though recently my SO and I can't's really starting to bother me :/
        Not that I meant to bring this down! Sorry! Just needed to rant...
        Anyone else have any ideas!?!?


          I don't know...I honestly was about to post something just like this!!! I did do the 1000 questions (well...the free 100 on the website) and it was fun. I feel though recently my SO and I can't's really starting to bother me :/
          Not that I meant to bring this down! Sorry! Just needed to rant...
          Anyone else have any ideas!?!?


            we generally play games together online. Do the usual how was your day? etc when we've been working then on the weekends (and sometimes during the weeks when we have time) we play games. We're both gamers and met through a game so it's fitting.
            We talk about our future, religion, politics, sex, kids, weddings xD, places we can visit/ things to do when im over at his, what he wants to eat (i'll practice hehe at home) hmm sometimes i ask him those 100 question things which are fun to do. We also talk about how we met, how much i've changed since we met (he makes me wanna be a better person as cheesy as that sounds) what we wanna do with our careers in the future, what we would do if we won the lottery (you can dream right? lol). Any thing really. Im pretty random as is he so we never run outta things to say which when i think about it is odd cause we've been together for over 2 years and talk at least 3 hrs on weekdays and 9+ hours on weekends...when i think about it we never are so glued to our pc's haha. xD


              My SO and I have similar problems sometimes. With the time difference as it is and the fact that he works nightshifts we normally talk right before he leaves for work and when I am about to go to sleep. Obviously that’s not a good start to a conversation. He is still sleepy and rushed and I am tiered (often fed up with the day) and just want to sleep.

              When his off-days and my weekends overlap we have time for longer conversations though and we recently decided to make up topics for those days ahead of time. For example: a political article one of us found interesting, movies we both make an effort to watch beforehand and we’re going to attempt to read books somewhat simultaneous as well. It has helped us so far. I also help him with his German homework and talk to him about my research.

              I hope I could help and give you some ideas. I’ll be following the thread, maybe I can gather some new ideas as well.


                Thanks everyone for answering last night we tried the 1000 question thing and ended up talking for 3 hours, which we havent done in a long time. We also play an online game every night. We both look forward to it and its a lot of fun.
                All because two people fell in LOVE <3
                ~mbb <3 jao~


                  I just wanted to bump this instead of starting a new thread. I am having a similiar problem with my GF

                  Little back story dont worry I wont rant! She is in NY last year of college, I just graduated in May and live in LA now for my dream job..We have been together since March and lived together (how we started dating- college roomates) it was a tough one and she has been so supportive and amazing just perfect all up to this past week.

                  She has been super stressed and has a cold, but it was almost like a switch went off from her always texting me, and being her normal cheery self, and now i find myself over thinking everything and texting her a lot- after hours of us not talkingThen I always end up asking to skype all of a sudden when before it was just a natural thing we would do at night. When we have skyped the last few nights we havent really talked about much and often she is texting her friends or falling asleep.. I know im probably just over analyzing everything because like I said..shes sick and been busy with school work but even then some times we still run out of stuff to say.. we have a lot in common, same goals and morals she is my best friend in a lot of ways but it gets hard. I actually think one of the problems is we had been talking too much and wore ourselves thin. would you guys suggest just not texting her or let her initiate a skype call? Or should I just ask her straight up whats going on? She did apologize for being weird and said we are okay and everything so there has been reassurance but idk im just freakin out I guess...

                  Thank you!


                    We spend so much time on skype, that there's no way we could spend the whole time talking. We have a few tv shows we watch online together (current shows are especially good because we have something to look forward to every week). We try to watch movies together once a week (though that hasn't been happening recently). We take turns reading books to each other :P We've got an online game we can play together. If you watch a movie or something you get to spend time together, but don't have to spend the whole time coming up with new things to talk about. Plus it gives you something to talk about when you're done

