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Phone or Skype?

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    Skype! My boyfriend and I actually skype everyday. Phone calls are nice too, but we love being able to see each other!


      I guess I'm the only person who lives in the boonies and has dial up. Considering I can't skype and apparently I'm the only person who voted phone, for that reason. Although even if I could use skype, I wouldn't. I hate being looked at.


        I really hate talking on the phone, and so does my SO. Skype all the way. :3


          I wasn't comfortable when we first started skyping, but then we did it every day and I got used to it.
          I voted for skype because it is the most convenient if you have a good internet connection. You turn it on, have your "how was your day" conversations, then go back to being busy while leaving it on. It can be left running in the background if you need to work with the computer, and if you don't, you still can see each other's faces. The best part is, if you come across something that is interesting you can say "hey, look!" or if you remembered something you wanted to tell him, or if you realised he has the prettiest eyelashes in the world, you can point it out immediately. We used to say it was the closest to being in the same room/house as you can get while LD. Even now, if I see a good link on my computer I have to fight the habit of sending it to him online instead of turning my computer around so he can see it.

          So, go for skype, and leave it on even when your conversation is over. You will grow to become comfortable with it, and it will become less distracting than stopping everything to pick up the phone or to IM.


            I wish I could vote both.
            But yeah, I voted for skype because I can look at him and talk to him at the same time.


              Gotta go with Skype. :3 Like my girlfriend said, we're just not phone people.


                Skype for sure! There are just some things a phone conversation can't provide compared to video chatting xD
                "You will always have my heart, no matter how far we're apart" ~ Jacob


                  Skype all the way! We try to skype every's provides so much more than a phone call ever can. There is nothing like seeing your SO's face at the end of a long stressful day.


                    it depends on the time of day. evening and earlier skype

                    bed time phone (little beats pillow talk for me!!!!)


                      sometimes I'll do skype with video off, just because it SOUNDS better. plus it doesn't take away from my minutes, not that I use them anyway.

                      I love my Brazilian. Do you love yours too?


                        I choose skype because it's free for me to talk voice with my bf, we can't webcam because on his end it is too expensive because of where he is. If I want to talk to him on the phone i have to have some sort of calling plan for it and well skype is perfect because we just use a mic or I can call on my iphone app and talk like I would on the phone. I use skype for everything esp my friends overseas. My best friend is going to SK with her spouse who is getting stationed there. She and I will use skype to keep in touch....Skype really is great for keeping in touch with loved ones.


                          Skype for sure in my case. Since he's living all the way in Brazil, and I'm here in Belgium (6558 miles ) calling him costs me a lot. but for personal reasons I can't contact him when I'm at home because of parents issues. So I had to call him, I payed like 5 euro's (7 USD) to be able to talk to him 15 minutes. And I have no job so yeah xD I became poor, but now I got an iPhone so I can talk to him as much as I want on skype and it's great! we skype as much as we can like we did today and yesterday. One day I stood up all night long skyping with him. I was a zombie at school LOL


                            Skype for sure You not only get to hear his voice, but you get to see him too! Its a nice feeling. I guess I can see why you would feel like its awkward, but its soo worth it! =D


                              Skype for sure, it's been a godsend and it's probably the best way of staying in touch with your SO. Using the phone is way too expensive, even texting is a pain so I'm just grateful I found an app that lets me text for free.



