We finally planned another visit, and this time I will be traveling alone for the first time in my life. It's not enough that I'm traveling alone, but I will be traveling by train and plane for the first time. My plane ticket includes an Amtrak ride to Newark International, and I will have a two hour layover (probably much less than that once I actually get over to the airport) until I get on the plane to fly to Grand Rapids, MI. Once there I will be reunited with my fiance, and I couldn't be more excited...yet I'm terrified at the same time.
What can I expect? Are train stations easy to navigate? Is it possible the train will be late? What about finding the gate to board the flight? What are terminals and how do I know which one to get off at?
Any advice would be appreciated! I'm slowly starting to worry about everything going wrong since I've never done this before. I'm more scared over getting to the plane than actually flying.
What can I expect? Are train stations easy to navigate? Is it possible the train will be late? What about finding the gate to board the flight? What are terminals and how do I know which one to get off at?
Any advice would be appreciated! I'm slowly starting to worry about everything going wrong since I've never done this before. I'm more scared over getting to the plane than actually flying.
