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Travelling to the UK

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    Travelling to the UK

    Hey I'm planning on going to England in Feb (finally things with my LDR seem to be heading in a positive direction) and I'd be super grateful for any advice about travelling to the UK. I've never been overseas before so this is all new to me.

    I'm an Australian so I can get a general visit visa but I'm super nervous I'll be denied (not that I have any reason to, I have no criminal record or anything).

    I don't have a job and I'm waiting to find out if I get into uni so I have no real proof I have commitments here in Aus, except I guess my voluntary work (I'm a part of a few different committees and help run a youth group)
    That's probably my biggest concern. I have all my savings invested in this. My guy tells me I worry to much but it's such a scary thought spending so much money and not getting to even see my guy.

    I'm really unsure able the whole liquids thing, I was hoping to buy some wine duty free at the airport (past check in and all that) for my guys parents but the liquids limit confuses me lol.

    Thanks, I really would appreciate any advice.
    Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.

    Most of the time you won't get stopped - it's that less than 1% that scares us all, you know? Can I ask how long you're staying there for?

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      From Oz you should have no problems getting in. We all love our Australian cousins over here!

      In terms of getting about where in the UK does your SO live? Because Scotland and the north is harder than the south, but depends if your SO will meet you at the airport.
      Where are you looking to fly into? I do alot of flying and travelling all around the UK with my job so I'm happy to help with anything there really

      Also, with the duty free, generally its not any cheaper to buy it at the airport than just in a shop once you get here. Although you don't pay tax, the shops tend to add an extra 20% onto the price so that bumps it back up to where it should be lol!


        I'm so paranoid, that 1% seems like such a huge chance lol.
        My SO live in the Midlands, I'm planning on flying to Heathrow and he will be meeting me at the airport. I've flown by myself when I was 15, 16 but that was only within Aus. I know I can do it but I'm a real worrier.
        I planned on buy some duty free wine here in Aus because I want to get them some aussie wine.
        Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


          My SO lives in Scotland, and I've met up with him in Glasgow and at London-Heathrow, flown to the UK four times.

          But the times I've met up with him, I was flying from Japan. My SO's sister, an immigration lawyer, says that customs and immigration are pretty strict with people coming in from Asia. Even though I'm American, and had passport stamps from the UK several times, I was held for questioning a lot longer than others a few times simply because they were more interested in why someone came all the way from Japan to Scotland, I guess? Anyway..

          You'll get one of those arrival/landing cards and you'll have to write in info like where you're staying and so forth, but I'm worried about if they ask what your status in Australia is, job-wise or as a student, and how you'll be able to support yourself financially during your stay in England. They may even ask (although, they haven't in my case) how much money you'll be bringing into the UK.

          You may want to consider bringing a letter of invitation to England from your SO and/or from your SO's family (if you're staying with them), just in case. If he is going to help support you financially during your stay, you may want to have him mention that in the letter. And make extra sure that it's understood that you do have a return ticket booked. As long as you have these two things (a letter of invitation to England from your SO and proof that you have a return ticket) then it seems unlikely that they'll deny you entry into the UK.

          I agree with matheww65 that Scotland seems to be a bit more stricter than down south. At London-Heathrow I didn't have any problems, but in Scotland I got questioned every single time. (But I got in, so that should be reassuring!)

          Good luck on your travel planning and I hope that everything goes smoothly!

          For more info, check these out:

          UK Border Agency | Arriving at the UK border
          UK Border Agency | If you are not a citizen of the EU, EEA, or Switzerland


            If i helps, my SO came over from Aus in the summer, also came into Heathrow. He was only over for a month, is unemployeed and on benefits so had no money (well a couple of hundred quid but that wouldn't get him far) and had no problems what so ever.

            Due to the (relatively) short stay he didn't need a visa, he didn't need to prove where he was going or why, also didn't get asked how he was going to support himself while he was here - for a longer stay this would probably be a little different but you didn't say how long you will be over here for.

            As for duty free's, they won't let you buy anything that you can't take through your journey, they check your boarding card and will refuse to sell you anything you can't fly with, I found this out when i tried to buy some suntan lotion at Heathrow when I was flying out to Aus, they wouldn't sell it to me because I wouldn't be able to carry it in hand luggage on the flight, so if you leave it til you are in the airport you might find that you can't actually buy what you want toor it might get taken off you. You should be able to carry it in your hold luggage though so if you really want to take some wine you might want to buy it before the airport and pack it into your case.

            Definatly check out the UK Border Agency website, it's full of useful advise.


              Thanks I have been looking at the UK Border Agency website and a few aussie websites, I suspect I'm only allowed a limit of 100ml for my carry on luggage which sucks. I'll have to find a way to travel with small amounts of deodorant and things like moisturiser.

              I'm going for about a month, by the time I leave I should have at least $1500 AUD. My most recent bank statement will say $3000 though. By Feb I should know if I've been accepted into uni so I'll have my enrolment details too.

              Do I have to apply for the general visit visa? Or is it just filling in the card at the airport?

              I know the travel agent will be able to help me but I'm not going to see one till I get my passport, which I hope arrives next week. I'm just such a worrier lol.
              Thanks heaps for all the help
              Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


                I know my So didn't apply for any kind of Visa when he came over, just filled in the card at the airport, I think that as long as you're coming over for less than 6 months (or it might be 3, can't remember) then you don't need to do anything other than have your passport and a return ticket.

                As for the bloody restrictions on liquid in hand luggage they're a right pain. It's worth knowing that you can bring in more than 100mls total as long as each container holds no more than 100mls, also even if, say your moisturiser, bottle is half empty so it contains less than 100ml but the bottle is a 150ml bottle then they'll still make you dump it. They also count things like lip gloss, lipstick, foundation, toothpaste etc as liquids and everything in your hand luggage that is a liquid has to be put in a sealable clear plastic bag that has a maximum size, sorry I can't remember the size but you should be able to find it (if you can't give me a shout and i'll look it out for you).

                All in all it's pretty easy if you're just coming over for holibobs :o)


                  Originally posted by Insanity View Post
                  Thanks I have been looking at the UK Border Agency website and a few aussie websites, I suspect I'm only allowed a limit of 100ml for my carry on luggage which sucks. I'll have to find a way to travel with small amounts of deodorant and things like moisturiser.

                  I'm going for about a month, by the time I leave I should have at least $1500 AUD. My most recent bank statement will say $3000 though. By Feb I should know if I've been accepted into uni so I'll have my enrolment details too.
                  If you're staying for a month, it's probably better that you just buy stuff like toothpaste, deodorant and any other toiletries in the UK. Luggage space is valuable, and unless there's a product you really need you have with you, best bet is to pack it into your check-in luggage. (Unless you just want that stuff for carry on, then I completely understand. )

                  Do I have to apply for the general visit visa? Or is it just filling in the card at the airport?

                  I know the travel agent will be able to help me but I'm not going to see one till I get my passport, which I hope arrives next week. I'm just such a worrier lol.
                  Thanks heaps for all the help
                  You should not have to apply for a visa if you're just visiting. vixx360 is right, the most you can stay up to is six months without a visa (depending on what country you're from).

                  source: Do I need a visa? (from UK Border Agency)

                  Good luck! I hope I'll get to see my SO sometime next year, too.


                    i can understand your worries i would be a mess too! seems like everyone has gave you great advice. goodluck and try to relax


                      Oh thanks. For things like moisturiser I think I'm just going to put some in little sample jars I have, easier and lighter. Would they classify things like facial wipes and wet wipes as liquids? I just want some small things to have in my carry on luggage so I can freshen myself up before I meet him.

                      I hope you get to see your SO next year too. This is my first time meeting him so I'm completely petrified, I just want the next couple months to go fast.
                      I should get my passport in the next few days, it's complete and is in the mail.
                      He and I aren't having a good couple of days which has ruined my excitement so hopefully that'll pass soon so I can happily and confidently book my flights.
                      Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


                        I don't know if this will help, but I fly to visit my bf in the UK from Canada. I never have any trouble. They just ask me where I'm going, why, and how long I'm staying. They have never asked me about a return ticket or how much money I had, and I always told them I was a student and it was fine.
                        For freshening up before you see him, I just pack my things like moisturizer and make makeup in my big suitcase close to the top, so when I get my suitcase I go to the bathroom and everything I need is right at the top.
                        good luck


                          Thanks. I booked my flights today (received my passport a couple of days ago) I'm going over on the 1st of February with Emirates, flying to Dubai then Birmingham (closer to where he lives), with a good 30kg checked in luggage limit which is much better than the other airlines. I'm super stoked.
                          I saw good little 35ml moisturisers today in the supermarket and I think I'll go without make-up. The only bad thing is I can't take any products with codeine in them into Dubai, which I take for my migraines, I'm gunna have to see my doctor about that.

                          I'm so excited, now I have so many things to sort out lol. You guys are a heap of help, thanks
                          Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.

