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Airport security horror - alternate travel ideas?

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    Originally posted by Čternity View Post
    Yea probably avoid Denver International as well
    Wow that's quite something

    I'm pretty sure when I read about the scanners that it specifically said that women passengers will be viewed by a woman and male passengers by a man. In which case I don't really mind if I have to walk through the scanner. It's only there to make sure people will be safe on their flights and that terrorists won't be carrying any weapons or explosives and really, THAT'S all that matters, not the fact that the airport security guard is going to see a blurry picture of you naked. for a few seconds. There's thousands of other people going through the same thing every day.


      Originally posted by mllebamako View Post
      The thing that bothers me more than the image, is the potential risk factors involved with the radiation.
      Read these if you're interested:
      Just an FYI there are two kinds of body scanners on the market in use by the TSA in airports, one is a millimeter wave scanner which is a frequency wave (like radio waves) scanner and a back scatter body scanner. It is the back scatter X RAY body scanner that the second link above (cancer letter) is referring too. When I travel I will ask which scanner is being used, and then opt for the pat down if it is the back scatter x ray because there is a prominent cancer history in my family.

      Everything I know, and anywhere I go, It gets hard but it won't take away my love,
      And when the last one falls, when it's all said and done, It gets hard but it won't take away my love


      Me without Him is like Son of Beast without the loop.


        From what I have heard is you're exposed to more radiation flying than those scanners and even if worried about the accumulation unless you're an extremely extremely frequent flyer you'd still be under the recommended maximum exposure rate.
        Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


          Originally posted by mllebamako View Post
          I went through one in Oakland going to Salt Lake City, so it's not just for international.

          The thing that bothers me more than the image, is the potential risk factors involved with the radiation.
          Read these if you're interested:

          they say the radiation is about 2 min worth of you holding a cell phone, i was worried about that so i looked on the TSA websight


            Originally posted by true_survivor_586 View Post
            they say the radiation is about 2 min worth of you holding a cell phone, i was worried about that so i looked on the TSA websight
            I swear I won't reply to this thread anymore after this

            If you read the second link, which is a letter written by several UCSF doctors explains that independent safety data does not exist for these scanners. Yes, the TSA can say whatever they want...but do we REALLY know the long-term effects of any of this?
            They compare it (the new back-scatter technology machines) to the radiation received from air travel or from x-rays at the doctors office, but the new airport machines deliver into the skin rather than equally throughout the body. So the dose hitting just the skin is much higher than any of these other examples.

            Oh man...nevermind...I quit trying to explain my opinion on this one
            Last edited by mllebamako; November 26, 2010, 12:27 AM.


              The cancer thing worries me a bit. There's a prominent cancer history in my family too. But, I'm not really smart enough to work out if it's really worth fearing. If the time ever comes and I have to make the choice, I'll follow my intuition, I guess.

              With the whole modesty/violation of rights thing, I wouldn't care if it was a man or a woman looking really. There are gay people in the world, and we can't just assume they are unemployed. So, there's still the risk of someone getting their jollies. *Shrugs* We're born naked. If that person has five seconds of somewhat inappropriate joy from my scanner-picture, I don't care. Gotta have something to make the job less tedious, it's really just a compliment I'll never receive, and I can move on. Or, if the viewer thinks my breasts are a funny shape or I should lay off the chocolate or that my cellulite is gross, that doesn't phase me either. People are going to judge you regardless of what you're wearing. I really don't understand what the big deal is.
              I can't think of a single reason why they'd be saving the images, but if they really are I doubt it's sexual. Most people have the internet with much better quality free porn that can't make them lose their job or land them in jail. People are worrying over nothing.

              The pat down? Well, that's a bit embarrassing, but as long as I'm not the only one having it done... I guess it's ok. I mean, it can't be anything worse than what my doctor has done to me, right? And they are trained professionals, feeling people up every day. No big deal. They probably get desensitized to the whole thing within a month of doing it.

              Interesting discussion though.
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                I've been keeping up with everything, as im flying at the end of December. #1: Media makes EVERYTHING into a story. remember that. Things aren't as bad as they look. Yes, the machines have radiation- but goign thru it one time.. isn't gonna give u cancer. Hell, what DOESN'T give you cancer these days?? As for the pat-downs... they don't do this to everyone!! they do it, if you go off in the machine *if u beep*. Thats bout it. People get to worried. Also- if they "sexually harrass you" from the pat-down. COMPLAIN. but, they're just doing their job. I'd rather get patted down, then be blown up. I just think all the details aren't out there. I watched the news the other night, from Toronto- and people at the toronto airport weren't compaining.. they said it wasn't as bad as everyone says. Just keep the media in mind.. don't let it effect your relationship and visits!!


                  Originally posted by RyanJr View Post
                  I've been keeping up with everything, as im flying at the end of December. #1: Media makes EVERYTHING into a story. remember that. Things aren't as bad as they look. Yes, the machines have radiation- but goign thru it one time.. isn't gonna give u cancer. Hell, what DOESN'T give you cancer these days?? As for the pat-downs... they don't do this to everyone!! they do it, if you go off in the machine *if u beep*. Thats bout it. People get to worried. Also- if they "sexually harrass you" from the pat-down. COMPLAIN. but, they're just doing their job. I'd rather get patted down, then be blown up. I just think all the details aren't out there. I watched the news the other night, from Toronto- and people at the toronto airport weren't compaining.. they said it wasn't as bad as everyone says. Just keep the media in mind.. don't let it effect your relationship and visits!!
                  And I have seen examples of these scanners that people are getting in an uproar about and they DON'T show you nude! sheesh! Not only that but it's not everyone that gets those scans. It's random, just like if I was going to a military base and they decided to randomly pull me over and search my car inside and out for 10 min. (it has happened and it is quite embarrassing...) but whatever.

                  I would rather the scanning and pat downs happen than another plane being flown into a building!!!!!!


                    The thing that worries me is that there is no long term studies on the effects of the scanners and that bothers me some. I will be flying a lot this spring and each time I will be opting for the pat down.


                      It's really not that bad, in my opinion. Went through it many times, as has my SO. It's really not a big deal. On the other hand, I do understand why this is such a heated topic.. On both ends.

                      Personally, it doesn't bother me whatsoever. I would MUCH rather they do whatever they need to do to take every precaution necessary to keep us safe, rather than being politically correct about everything. Even if that means a body scanner/pat down.. Whatever.

                      I don't see it as a violation. I see it as a precaution.

