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    So, I'm going to brag a little bit here but I have just spent the most amazing week with my partner after he showed up on my door step completly out of the blue! I had NO idea that he was coming or even in our home town.

    So, there I was sitting on the couch with a lounge room full of puppies (My boss breeds dogs and I was on puppy duty) when he let him self through the back door, obviously he has a key as it is OUR home.

    I thought I was being burgled and then he walked arround the corner and just stood there smiling at me, I didnt know what to do .... So i started crying :/

    The last few months have been really tough on us both through distance, little to no communication and finacially and to see him staning there in the kitchen was the most amazing feeling

    To start with I wasnt sure why he had picked this week to come home as we are going away with friends in 2-3 weeks time but he wanted to suprise me as last Thursday was two years since We started my journey to being sober and six months since i last fell off the wagon...

    GAHHH sorry but i had to share

    Has anyone else had a suprise visit ?? or been the one to surprise you SO??

    Aw oh my gosh I'm SO happy for you. That sounds amazing I'd probably cry too if that happened to me.

    I'm surprising my boyfriend in a month!


      That is so stinkin cute!! I would also cry haha


        I thought it was really cute too


          That is awesome, I am happy for you!!!

          I have never had a surprise visit done by him nor do I think I will do one myself, mostly because my man doesn't like being surprised. He's a planner and I'd hate to mess his routine up

          Relationship began: 05/22/2012
          First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
          Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
          Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
          Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
          Married: 1/24/2015
          Became Resident: 9/14/2015


            What a nice story, I'm happy for you!

            No surprise visits for us, sadly. He's my boss (didn't start out that way!!) and is the one who has to approve my vacation time

            He can't travel here without my knowing either, since he'd have to tell our team that he'll be off, and then I'd need an explanation, hah. Oh well, maybe someday.
            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


              Haha that's cute When I took the puppies back to my boss the next morning I was telling him and he said I know why do you think I sent the puppies and not one of the boys ... I didn't want them to attack him ...
              Last edited by Claire-Louise; September 16, 2013, 02:07 AM.


                That's so sweet of him!
                I haven't done a surprise visit as such, nor have I ever been surprised, but I did arrive two days earlier in May than I told him to to spend the summer with him I had even forged my tickets and confirmations and mailed them to him as I always do, but I had changed the date from 5th to 7th (even checked what flight I could've taken on the 7th and wrote all the details in, just in case ) and planned everything with his mum. The look on his face when I stumbled in to his room was priceless!
                We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


                  I am so happy for you!


                    Good to hear!


                      Awww I am happy for you! ^^ (btw your job sounds awesome! I love puppies <3)
                      I had a surprise visit too this February! We hadn't met in 4 months and in that time he had a couple field exercises which lasted more than a week (in which we had no contact at all) so it was a very exhausting period.. And then we planned the next visit, which was supposed to be 1 month long, from 18.02 till 18.03, but then (after having tickets booked) I remembered "Sh*t February has 28 days .. " ;( So we won't be together for a whole month and even though it was only 3 days shorter it still upset me a little. Anyway I got over it and then the last exercise, on the 15.02. came, and he said "Be strong, it's only 3 days and then I fly to you!" We said goodbye on the 14th in the evening. On the 15th, I went to visit a friend and as I arrived back home, I dragged myself to my room completely miserable because I was missing him. I opened the door and he was there, in front of my eyes!! ^_^ We were both so overwhelmed by feelings, it is the best surprise in my life so far <3


                        That's amazing. ^^ What a nice visit.


                          Wow, that's so sweet of him! Glad you had such a great time!


                            Love this!

