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Surprise Visit! HELP!

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    Surprise Visit! HELP!

    So I got a phone call from my boyfriend's dad on Friday saying that him and my boyfriend's mom want to fly me home from college for Thanksgiving and leave it as a complete surprise to my boyfriend. I will be at my boyfriend's house that Tuesday before Thanksgiving either in the morning or early afternoon and my boyfriend, I believe, still has classes that day so I will be there before he will. Any ideas on cute ways to surprise him when he gets home? I don't just wanna sit there until he sees I'm there but I don't wanna go huge like a box and a bow haha! Any ideas are helpful

    For my SOs birthday I surprised him at the airport. I magnates to get his mom on board with the plan and we pretended that I was busy at work, and I called him when my "meetings" were done, and then walked up behind him. I got a "What are you doing here?????" out of him.

    So, maybe try hiding somewhere and then call him? OR!!! If you know what time he's supposed to get in, go outside and hide. Then after he goes in and says hi to his family, you call him and ask if he's home yet, how the trip home was, etc. then you say something like "I wish I could spend Thanksgiving with you" or something, and hopefully he'll say something like "me too". And then you ring the doorbell and Ta-da!!!

    2016 Goal: Buy a house.
    Progress: Complete!

    2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
    Progress: Working on it.


      I like the idea of hiding and sneaking up behind him!

      You could always do something like leaving things of yours around the house, and going to sit in a room which he won't enter straight away. For example leaving your shoes near the door, hanging your coat somewhere he can see, etc. Then he'll either come find you, or you can walk up behind him and surprise him that way! (Jump on his back! haha!)

      Well whatever you do, I hope you have a great time!


        Originally posted by lyonsgirl View Post
        For my SOs birthday I surprised him at the airport. I magnates to get his mom on board with the plan and we pretended that I was busy at work, and I called him when my "meetings" were done, and then walked up behind him. I got a "What are you doing here?????" out of him.

        So, maybe try hiding somewhere and then call him? OR!!! If you know what time he's supposed to get in, go outside and hide. Then after he goes in and says hi to his family, you call him and ask if he's home yet, how the trip home was, etc. then you say something like "I wish I could spend Thanksgiving with you" or something, and hopefully he'll say something like "me too". And then you ring the doorbell and Ta-da!!!
        I LOVE THIS IDEA! I am just so anxious and giddy because I haven't seen him since the beginning of August and wasn't planning on seeing him until the end of Christmas so I'm just so bubbly I get to see him early!!!


          Originally posted by Chlo View Post
          I like the idea of hiding and sneaking up behind him!

          You could always do something like leaving things of yours around the house, and going to sit in a room which he won't enter straight away. For example leaving your shoes near the door, hanging your coat somewhere he can see, etc. Then he'll either come find you, or you can walk up behind him and surprise him that way! (Jump on his back! haha!)

          Well whatever you do, I hope you have a great time!
          This is super cute too! Thank you! ))


            I surprised my SO by just walking in through the door to his room, bags and all, two days earlier than expected. Nothing grand but absolutely fool proof, and it was totally the best way to go about it for me
            We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


              You'll have to come back and tell us how the surprise went. Ooooh, or! Leave a card for him in a place you know he'll go as soon as he gets home, like the kitchen or something. Then write "PS Flip the card over for a special surprise" and on the back you'll write "Hi!" and his mom can give you a signal or something and you stroll into the kitchen.

              ETA: I kind of love planning surprises. A lot, actually.

              2016 Goal: Buy a house.
              Progress: Complete!

              2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
              Progress: Working on it.


                Hide somewhere and just casually walk out of there when he gets home. Examples: the bathroom, a closet, the back porch.
                Wait for him on his bed.
                Wait somewhere outside, just ring the doorbell and stand there and smile when he opens.
                I also second the "call him and walk up to him during the conversation" idea.
                Is there any way you could pick him up from school?
                first met in 2008 -- started talking online again in 2011 -- decided to go on a date in 2012 -- actually started dating on our first visit in August 2013 --
                second visit in February 2014 -- third visit in June 2014 -- fourth visit in September 2014


                  Originally posted by Anoulie View Post
                  Hide somewhere and just casually walk out of there when he gets home. Examples: the bathroom, a closet, the back porch.
                  Wait for him on his bed.
                  Wait somewhere outside, just ring the doorbell and stand there and smile when he opens.
                  I also second the "call him and walk up to him during the conversation" idea.
                  Is there any way you could pick him up from school?
                  I can't believe I didn't think of that! I can ask his parents to borrow one of their cars, drive to his college 20 min away, and have one of his roommates sign me in their dorm and wait for him in his room until he's out of class!!!


                    This gave me ideas. I plan on telling my mom about my boyfriend this mid marking period, I plan on getting distinguished, most,y because it'll maybe make her be ok with me having a boyfriend I want to meet.
                    So whenever we go to see him, I'll get a friend of his to drive us to his house, I'll ring the doorbell, and hope he's the one to answer... xD It'd be so awkward if it was his parents, I'm not sure if he plans on telling them about me before or after I get there.
                    So that's wha I'm probably going to do now.

