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How to handle a short visit?

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    How to handle a short visit?

    I've never met my SO before, but it seems in a few months i'll get the chance the see him. for a few hours. in a public place. and then it's waiting for another year...
    He's trying to make it so that we at least have one night together, VS the few short hours... but idk if itll work.
    His friends are taking a road trip, and said they would stop by to see me for a few hours. I am grateful for the time, but how in the world am i supposed to handle that?
    As soon as i stop being shy around him he's going to be taken from me... and we can't cuddle or kiss much because i have serious PDA problems, and we'll probably be at a park with kids around. I just couldn't do that.
    I feel so selfish. but i'm going to just die when he leaves. He has to convince his friends to take me with them to their next stop for the night, then bring me home...
    I still wouldnt have any privacy with him, but i would have more time! and i would care less about kissing him just in front of his friends. Chances are it won't happen, though. I'll only have a few hours.

    how do I do this?

    I don't really have much advice.. I would kind of prefer a short visit like that cause then at least you'll have the reassurance that the chemistry is there in real life. But I guess not everyone worries about that. I can see how it will be hard though specially if the chemistry is there. I hope you can work something out where you can have more time.


      You won't die. I promise. It will be tough but you are stronger than that. I don't have any insight because the shortest visit I've had with my SO was one night - I landed in his town, spent the night with him, then went to the airport to fly back to my home country. It was so difficult, but better than nothing.
      So, here you are
      too foreign for home
      too foreign for here.
      Never enough for both.

      Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


        It would be a hard choice for me too. I wouldn't want to pass up the chance to see him, but there's no way I'd get to do all the things I've been wishing to do and I'd be a wreck. Maybe plan for it like a date? Exchange gifts/letters for each other to open after he's left so you're still with each other in a way? I totally understand wanting to just wait for a time you could properly be together though.

        Married: June 9th, 2015


          It might not be easy, but it's certainly better than nothing. It might not be an ideal situation, but don't let the opportunity pass, a few hours will at least give you the chance to see how you connect in real life, and give you a little push to meet again. It'll be hard, but you just do it, and tell yourself to be grateful you got that first meeting earlier than expected.

          Don't try to plan much, or have expectations, have them drop him off wherever and go have some lunch, or coffee, or something and see where the day takes you.
          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


            I just had another thought. If it's a road trip, can he take a train or a bus to where ever they'll be a day, or two, later? It shouldn't be very far, so it should be pretty cheap.
            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


              I've never been in the situation but totally think you should take the opportunity! It's certainly better than not getting to see him in person and like others have said, give you a chance to see if the connection is sustained in person. I think you will be fine dealing with him leaving so soon, just stay positive and cherish the opportunity. Leaving is hard no matter how long the visit and I think the longer ones are worse because you get used to them being around. Is it possible for you to join them on the rest of the trip or part of it? I like Moon's suggestion about him staying a couple days and then taking a bus to meet his friends.
              Our love story:
              Attended the same high school 2004-2007
              Dated CD: June 2009-July 2010
              Reconnected: August 2012
              Began dating LD: November 2012
              Engaged! March 2014
              Closing the distance: December 2015


                My very first visit with my SO lasted less than 24 hours. But even though it was short, I'm sooooo glad I met him. It was literally the best few hours of my life up until then and it really confirmed all of my feelings for him. Because lets be honest, sometimes there just isn't any physical chemistry and it's better to figure that out sooner rather than later.

                Now that said if all goes well and it's time for him to leave, you will be heartbroken, it'll seem like the cruelest joke in the world that you only got to spend a few hours together. Let yourself be sad about it, spend the rest of the day moping and the next morning pick yourself up and DISTRACT yourself. Do whatever it takes so that you don't spend hours longing over him. Then, because the visit was so short, you should be back into your normal routine and feeling better in a few days. With the added bonus of knowing with absolute certainty that your SO is meant for you and that you truly love him.

                Oh and don't be so worried about being awkward. It'll feel a bit weird at first but you guys are used to talking so it's not like you can't hold a conversation. The best part is unlike phone calls and texts you don't need to always fill the silences, it's okay to just sit there and soak up being with him.

                Met: 8.17.09
                Started Dating: 8.20.09
                First Met: 10.2.10
                Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                  I'm happy for you that you will get to see him for a bit, but I understand that it will also be very difficult. I'm hoping that he can convince his friends to let you go with them for the night.

                  There really isn't any way to handle this, because you will hurt when he leaves. Of course, it would hurt just as much if you spent a week with him. The parting is never easy. Try to talk to him and explain how you want to make the best of whatever time you have. If he understands what you need, I'm sure he will try his best to work it out.

                  Good luck!


                    Ahh! I don't envy you.. though I agree with the others that you shouldn't let this opportunity pass you by.. because it's still a few hours more to see him.. and hopefully you can take a few pictures during that time.. and make some memories even if it's just a short amount of time. I liked Moon's suggestion about him possibly staying an extra night or two and taking a bus to wherever his friends are to catch up with them.. if that's possible!

                    I hope you can figure something out. Either way, please go and meet him. I know having his friends there will likely make it feel more awkward.. but it will still be better than nothing I'm sure!! And then once it's over you can plan for a longer visit hopefully as soon as you can!


                      Oh there's no way im going to let the chance pass me by! he couldn't stay with me, unless he was able to get us a hotel for a night or two. maybe by that time ill be able to do it, but if thats the case then joining them wouldn't be as big of a deal either. I know one of their things for this road trip is "no hotels". they're going to be sleeping on beaches, and other places like that they can rent. personally, i think thats gross. lol way too long without a shower XP

