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Visit Mishaps (Ugh)

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    Originally posted by Hollandia View Post
    I really wish my SO was British.
    I really wish mine was too!


      Oh gosh! My Christmas visit was a doozie! I was traveling to him from MT, and my flight was cancelled because of a snow storm! The airline was saying it'd be the next day before I got out, at the earliest, so I was naturally freaking out about losing a day with my SO. Then I got the bright idea to drive my rental car to Salt Lake City, at 5am, in a snow storm, to try to catch my connecting flight. About halfway there, I went off the road into a wire fence in the middle of nowhere Idaho. Thankfully, I was able to flag down a passing snow plow whose driver kindly helped me get my car untangled from the fence, it was still driveable, & I was able to get back on the road, exchange my rental care for an undamaged one & made it to SLC. I missed my connecting flight but they put me on the next one out, and I made it to him that night, only a few hours later than I would have gotten there originally.

      Of course, I found out after I got to SLC, that if I'd stayed in MT, they were able to clear the runways enough to get flights out and I could have just flown to SCL at 1PM, and still gotten to my SO just a few hours later than I ended up getting to him. :-/

      NOT my brightest idea ever. I've learned to give the airlines some time, next time, and not let my heart do my thinking!

