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Just booked a ticket for SO to visit in June

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    Just booked a ticket for SO to visit in June

    So this is a bit silly. I just booked my SO's ticket to come see me in June, and I should be really excited, but literally as soon as I clicked "book" and it finalized I started crying. I don't know if I feel relieved or upset (don't know why I would be upset!) or what. I don't know what I'm feeling, haha. Anyone else done this or am I just mad? Also I keep checking the details 1000 times to make sure I didn't make a mistake...

    I'm thinking that you cried because it's such a big moment and you are so excited (but I bet you are really nervous - which is perfectly normal!!) that you cried... people cry when they are happy all the time.. well, I think so any ways. I know I get emotional easily, I don't think I cried when booking the ticket, but I don't think it's weird that you cried.. It's a big step.. it's good to double check the details but don't make yourself crazy, I'm sure it's okay.. and make sure he knows the luggage weight limits of the airlines and all that stuff.. but otherwise..
    YAY you have a countdown!! That is the best feeling in the world.. though I know before a first visit, it is also filled with a lot of nervousness. Just talk a lot, skype a lot, because that will help smooth the transition between online and in person but I'm sure things will go great! Don't worry about the fact that you cried, it's probably just that you were waiting for this moment for so long, and it feels surreal that you can finally make it happen.. it'll be okay, just relax and let the excitement take over.


      Yeah. I've been an emotional basketcase lately, haha. And we have met before (not that that negates any of what you say, except to make me seem a bit stranger), we actually lived together for a while. But we've since been separated about 6 months (we did long distance, together, and then long distance again) and I think I'm just somehow scared something is going to go wrong even though we've booked the ticket and we won't get to see each other. But that's just negative thinking so I need to stop!

      But yes, I am super excited about having a countdown now. It's so hard with just the "Oh I'll see you sometime in the future thing."

      Also you are lovely and your responses on here are always so kind.


        Yay for you. I know the feeling. Our emotions are a mess, aren't they. Enjoy the countdown!

        I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


          Yay! So happy for you! I'm sure you're just feeling overwhelmed with emotions, so I think you crying over this is perfectly normal Be happy, you'll be seeing him soon!


            Originally posted by peppypenguin View Post
            Yeah. I've been an emotional basketcase lately, haha. And we have met before (not that that negates any of what you say, except to make me seem a bit stranger), we actually lived together for a while. But we've since been separated about 6 months (we did long distance, together, and then long distance again) and I think I'm just somehow scared something is going to go wrong even though we've booked the ticket and we won't get to see each other. But that's just negative thinking so I need to stop!

            But yes, I am super excited about having a countdown now. It's so hard with just the "Oh I'll see you sometime in the future thing."

            Also you are lovely and your responses on here are always so kind.
            Ahh I totally just assumed it was your first visit for some reason. :P Then I guess it's still an emotional time because it's been so long since you've seen him, and you are so excited to see him yet you have been waiting for this for so long that I guess it still has that surreal feeling. I know when I can finally buy a ticket again, I'm going to be so excited and who knows.. maybe I will end up crying. You are right, don't think about anything bad happening. Since you have met before, and even lived together for a while before, you know who he is and how you get along, so just focus on that and get excited.. what are you going to bring and what kinds of things you will get to do together and see together and just being in the same country again!! Countdowns are awesome, it makes it seem so much more real that you will see them again. Good luck and I hope time flies by until you get to be together! And thank you for your sweet comment, it's nice to hear, I think it helps me to help other people because in a way it helps me too because it makes me reflect on things in my relationship in order to give good advice which I think helps me. :P


              it might be a scared feeling but trust me it will go amazing! you will spend time with the one you love it will be fun ok.I also check 4894849 times to make sure eveything is correct haha


                I'm happy for you, and I hope your visit goes well. It's understandable to be emotional over something so important. It's probably relief that it's finally going to happen. How exciting for you! My SO and I are hoping for a visit in June, too.


                  I can get that way too. It's super exciting to finalize and book tickets! I always double check. For me, it doesn't seem real until I print my boarding pass. Then I'm like, oh yeah I'm actually going to see him lol. It's an amazing feeling. enjoy it and have a great time!

