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Our first time meeting, Didn't go too well

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    Our first time meeting, Didn't go too well

    So I guess I'll tell the whole story. Me and this guy, we'll just call him Bob, have been talking for about two months. We started talking on a dating website and then we started texting each other a lot. We decided we should plan a trip to Cedar Point, so we did and yesterday was our first time meeting. This is how it went:

    So I had a few things to do that morning but they all ended up back firing. So since i couldn't do anything I planed I ended up at our meeting place an 30 minutes earlier than expected. So I waited until 11:30 rolled around (the time we were supposed to meet) and nothing. (I had broke my phone 2 days earlier so I couldn't text or call him) 10 minutes went by. Nothing. 20 minutes. Nothing. I almost left but I told myself I would at least wait an hour. About 25 minutes later he shows up. I wasn't too upset about it, he said he woke up late which means it took him longer to get stuff done at his job than he thought. All was forgiven.

    We start driving to CP and the first thing i notice about him is that he's super quiet. I was the only one keeping the conversation going. Which was annoying. When we arrived it got a little better. We would get into long conversations that felt natural and flowed well but when the conversation died, it was dead and gone. I'd try to start a new one but he'd just be very short with his responses and seemed uninterested. He would even sometimes say nothing at all like I would point out some things and he would just sit there quietly. I hated that, is it really that hard to find something to say or respond with. I mean, when you're getting to know someone, you try right? I felt like he wasn't trying that much. He did end up Googleing a bunch of questions to ask me which was fun. We ended up doing that for the rest of the time. But he also was very inconsiderate. He wouldn't ride some of the rides that I really wanted to ride, no matter what I said. I know most people would do it anyway but he was adamant about it. He was even kind of jerkish about it. He seemed very distant and guarded too.

    apart from all the bad things, most things were great. He was funny and fun to talk to (when he would actually talk) But unfortunately there were too many signs that pointed to him being uninterested in me. I'm not stupid, so I can tell when someone is interested and when they're not. He just went along with it because he had already paid for the ticket so why not enjoy it while you're there, right? I get that he wanted to be nice without sending the wrong message so he kept his distance. He would literally stand across from me. And when I was in line to get some ice cream, he just wondered off. He didn't stand by me or anything. If that doesn't scream "I want to be nice to you but I don't want you to think I like you" then I don't know what does, It just sucks that I spent 2 months really falling for this guy, only to have it backfire.

    I guess I just needed to vent. I hope I'm not reading too much into things. Like, what if he was just shy or something. Or what if he's genuinely just a quiet person? I don't know. Maybe, but I don't think I'm willing to put my heart on the line to find out. I've been hurt way too many time.

    Well my thoughts want to say he was probably nervous, being the first time you two are meeting in person, and also after only 2 months of talking and getting to know each other. I wouldn't be able to guess what he is thinking, it could go either way. I think the only way to find out is try to talk to him about how he felt about the meeting and maybe why he was so adamant about not going on the rides. Especially if the rides you wanted to go on are those really scary drop ones...

    I think you should take some time to think about it. My thoughts would be not to give up after the first meeting, especially since you said that when you did get conversation going it was nice, and you were able to play question games and have some nice times... because it's okay and perfectly normal to have those quiet moments where you aren't saying anything... it doesn't mean he isn't interested. He could be as you said, guarded. I don't know how much time you spent together. If it was only the one day, that makes even more sense that he would be nervous, and even more sense if you are around a lot of other people at somewhere with rides.

    If you like him still, don't give up.. talk to him how he feels at least, and see if you can understand his reasoning behind some of his actions that might make you think he's not interested, and ask if he would want to arrange another visit... maybe ask if there's somewhere else he'd prefer to meet, because it sounds like rides might not be his favourite activity? Good luck!


      He was kind of being a jerk, and I'm sure he was shy because he was nervous. However the not riding rides makes me wonder, did you come up with the date venue or did he? Honestly it seemed like he didn't want to be there.
      Can I ask. What made you fall for him? Did he act the exact opposite in person as he did on the phone?
      I believe if you'd both like to, another date is needed with a change of venue because perhaps he didn't like the first one.. overall though, I don't think your reading too into it, if he acts the same exact way the second time, it'd probably be okay to split apart. Afterall, it was only two months.
      (This is simply my opinion-to each their own.)
      "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


        He could be shy and introverted by nature, yes, but he seemed to have put a lot of efforts in putting his message across: that he probably isn't interested in pursuing this. I'm so sorry and I know that it's hard to hear, but I believe you would be wasting your time trying to rationalize his jerkish behavior.

        The good thing is, at least you found that out after only two months.

        Best of luck.
        I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


          Thanks for the advice. I think I'm just going to talk to him about it. (I did ask him about a month after we started talking, why did he give off a vibe of being indifferent. Like i told him I get the feeling that your only talking to me to be nice and you don't actually want to get to know me. he said he is interested in getting to know me but he's bad at talking and would try harder).

          I'll ask him about it again though, in a more straight forward manner (I.E. Are you interested or not). But I don't want to come off as the crazy lady cuz we've only been talking for 2 months. I just want to know how to invest my time without coming off as demanding. How can I ask that kind of question without sounding like im pressuring him for something when all I really want to know is if I should move on or not?

          I'll give it one more date but I don't want to spend too much time investing in something that isn't gonna go anywhere. And the Cedar Point trip was mostly my idea. He had mentioned it while we were talking that he loved CP so i suggested we go and he said yes. And most of the rides he wouldn't agree to do were the ones with really bad drops... yet he loves the Millennium Force??? Apart of me feels like he just wanted to "act manly" and he knew those rides made him really nervous. I convinced him to do a few that he didn't like and he would get really nervous or afraid but he wouldn't say anything. He told me once when we were next in line that he was nervous and I saw him trying his best not to freak out but once I picked up on his tell (something he does when he gets nervous) I could tell which rides scared him. Im a girl so I'm allowed to express that, i suppose. Plus fear is not something you'd want to express while trying to impress someone. Just a thought. I did ask him to go to a haunted house with me but he hates them and after seeing how he is when he's afraid, I don't think that'll be the best idea. I think I'll just let him suggest the next place. He'll prolly choose to go to a CAVs game. which I don't mind, I was actually the one that suggested it bcuz I know how much he loves LBJ.

          Over the phone he wasn't like that... well a little. Our conversations flowed more over the phone than in person. But he still did that thing where he would go silent and be hard to talk to.

          And to answer your first question Unconditional, I fell for him mostly bcuz he was funny and witty. Being witty is like the number one trait I look for in a potential boyfriend. we could talk about anything. We talk for hours about the most random things. (but like i mentioned, he'd random go deadly quiet). He has goals and aspirations and overall the kind of person Id love to be with.

          Thanks gain for all the advice. It has really helped me think of things in a different perspective.


            Then he was definetly nervous, he needs to be better at how he acts when he's nervous though. But yes, I would ask him straightforward
            "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


              I think maybe he was nervous. When me and my SO first met, I was really nervous too and I'm pretty shy around people when I first meet them. Even though when we would talk on the phone, text, or message each other we would talk for hours, I was still shy around him. Also, personally, I hate rides and I'm terrified of heights so no amount of coaxing will get me on a ride that I don't want to go on. At the town carnival, I went on the Zipper once because my friends badgered me for like 30mins, I absolutely hated it and they flipped our thing over, and over, and over again and I felt nauseated and dizzy for days after. So I mean, if he's like me, I can understand why he didn't want to go on any rides.

              I agree with everyone else in that you should talk to him about it. Ask him why he was so distant when you guys hung out, if he's still interested, and if he was just shy. Also, ask him if he likes rides in general. He might've felt uncomfortable at the place (I feel uncomfortable at amusement parks and carnivals too, sometimes).

              I'm sorry you had a poopie time.


                I think you should definitely talk to him!
                My first date with my SO was so awkward that we pretend our 2nd date was our first when people ask lol (and we had grown up in the same area so we weren't even meeting for the first time!)
                He had anxiety problems, is very shy, and I can totally see him accidentally acting like your SO due to the extra nerves of a first time meeting.

                Good luck!!! Hope things go well for you!


                  Well he does sound a little awkward. Maybe he is just really shy and liked you but didn't want to be too obvious with it? That is how I am sometimes actually. I am just so quiet and shy that sometimes I have a hard time opening up. and maybe he was actually afraid to ride some of the rides that you wanted to ride, but didn't want you to know, so maybe it was just easier for him to be a jerk. There are all kinds of possibilities really, and 2 months isn't a terribly long time so maybe you just haven't gotten used to each other. I was talking to my SO for a year before I totally felt like we really meshed well. We were so different when we first started talking and I wasn't really into him, but after a while he grew on me, and honestly when you talk for someone long enough, you sort of take on some of their personality cuz now we are SOOOO similar and think just alike and everything. I am really glad I kept up a relationship with him. And you don't even have to be "more than friends." I told my SO that I wanted to be strictly friends, and that is how it was for the first year of our long distance relationship. Just friends. we even dated other people, but then decided we liked each other and now we live really near by each other.


                    My take on this is different:

                    You are on a dating site so you can meet someone compatible for dating and possibly longterm relationship?

                    You communicated with him for two months and he was awkward which carried through to the first date. What you have seen of his personality and attitude is who he is!

                    You didn't find his traits endearing, but annoying.

                    Move on...He's not a good match for you!
                    Met Online : July 2013
                    Met in person : April - May 2014 (3 wks)
                    2nd visit : June - August 2014 (2 months)
                    3rd visit : December - Jan (2wks)
                    Proposal : December 2014
                    Closed distance : February 2015
                    Married : April 5, 2015


                      Also, in regards to the roller coaster, if he has any sort of panic attacks/anxiety, it could have been that and he was too embarrassed to say it. Two months is not very long, so he may not have opened up about something like that yet.


                        Well, we met after about 3 months and I was nervous out of my mind for the first visit. I couldn't even look him in the eye and I always directed the conversation away from myself if I could. When he first knocked on the door, I just stood there petrified, and I spoke to him through the door for a bit. Through the door.. Then he opened it himself. If it were me on the outside instead of him, I could easily read that as him not being interested. There's a chance he really is a jerk, but if you saw something in him before, maybe he just needs more time.

                        Married: June 9th, 2015


                          Wow, there are so many good perspectives and views that I never even thought of. I'm starting to feel like maybe it is a bad idea to judge his feelings on one meeting. He texted me last night and we talked for hours and everything was fine so I'm going to assume that he was just really nervous, plus he did day he's really bad at making conversation. I just didn't think it was that bad. Plus I've never meet someone that nervous. And he's 25, you'd think he'd be use to getting to know new people. I'll give it a little more time before I throw in the towel.

                          THANKS EVERYONE. You really helped.


                            I have a terrible fear of heights. I love my SO to death but there are plenty of rides I would never go on and if he pushed me, I might be a bit jerky too. If he has a fear of heights, it is kind of insensitive for you to push him to go on a ride like that. It put him in a uncomfortable situation. Your idea of a fun ride could be his idea of a nightmare. He might not want to have to admit that he has a fear like that, and there is nothing wrong with that. I like amusement parks, but I avoid anything with height like the plague.

                            My SO is pretty quiet guy when we are out in public. He is a private person and he says I am the only person he talks to as much as he does. I felt somewhat awkward the first few hours we met too. He sat across from me in a cafe and we had a times of the whole "dead air" thing. He also never did anything except hold my hand for the first few days. It took him a long time to become more vocal and since I am such an extrovert it took awhile for me to get used to it, but we both learned to accept that I talk a bit too much and he talks a bit too little. We found a way to meet in the middle.

                            Is there an attraction there for both of you? I don't see anything wrong with clarifying that if there was little to no physical connection during the visit. I would ask point blank and then take it from there depending on his response.
                            Last edited by Hollandia; August 18, 2014, 08:22 AM.
                            "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                            Benjamin Franklin


                              Give him another chance if you're still interested in him.

                              Our first meeting didn't go well either - I was too nit-picky on what he wore and other stupid stuff. So I went quiet on our dates but he was persistent and that renewed why I was on the verge of falling in love with him. He didn't give up, so I didn't give up. Granted we'd been talking a bit longer than 2 months but not by much! Well here we are, years later, married. It's funny how things end up

                              Good luck next time!

                              Met: November 19, 2010
                              Tim came to Texas: April 27, 2011
                              Made it official: April 29, 2011
                              Lori went to England: September 21, 2011
                              Mini trip to Paris: September 22, 2011
                              Tim popped the question: September 22, 2011
                              K-1 Visa approved!: May 21, 2012
                              Closed the distance!: July 26, 2012
                              Got married: September 22, 2012

