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Was nervous but had a wonderful first meeting

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    Was nervous but had a wonderful first meeting

    I finally met my wonderful man in December having first found him on an NZ online dating site last August. We had communicated heaps and heaps via text, phone and Skype since then but I was extremely nervous about meeting him the first time. I was worried that he might not like me more than me not liking him. lol
    I need not have worried as I felt completely at home and relaxed with him as soon as I hopped of the bus and he appeared in his car. We had been communicating as to where I was on my journey to him as I travelled so he knew where I was. Our short time together was wonderful and although what we did for some people might be rather boring, ie watching the TV, going for a brief shopping outing to a local shopping centre and getting take away dinner from McDonalds it was wonderful as we just got to spend time with each other. We had already connected via our minds and discovered that we were very compatible in person as well.He was even sweet enough to not let me travel by bus back home and so had a wonderful trip together home singing along to the radio and talking. We haven't managed our next meeting yet as he went home to Tonga to help a brother after cyclones and is still there but with monthly emails I am happy and waiting for his return so our distance can be a bit less again.

    Awwww what a great story! I'm so glad it all worked out for you.

