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First Meet and a Month Vacation Together

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    First Meet and a Month Vacation Together

    So after 3 years of knowing each other, and almost one year of being together, we finally met on July 21st (the day before my birthday ) We spent an insane month together, filled with lots of junk food, little sleep, and gassy nights. Before meeting each other we both had little to none, when it came to worries about how we'd fit. That is of course until the week before. All the things people had warned about got to me, and I started wondering if I had hyped up the first meet too much that I'd be let down. I am so glad to say that everyone was beyond wrong. Our first meet had only a couple minutes of this weird feeling. And I think that only had to do with finally seeing him in 3-D. It quickly wore off after the trip to the car, where we sat in the front seats, staring at each other, trying to figure out if what was happening was real. We talked, laughed, got a bit sappy, and held each others hands. It took about an hour, but we finally leaned in for that perfect kiss in the movies--you know the one everyone dreams they'll have at least once in their life.

    Many people might think that a month together for the first meet might be too much time. Others have warned that vacationing together during a first meet might cause some stress. Let me tell you--THEY WERE RIGHT, but they were wrong about the time together, I will never get enough. However, the stress that occured was not between us. In a single month we experienced losing keys to the car together (well, that was actually my fault), getting towed around all of San Diego for about 7 hours in a single day, losing the keys to the condo we were staying in, and having to find a hotel that had a room available for a night during SDCC. You read that right. We were homeless until about 3 am on a Sunday morning during the event of Comic-con. And if you've ever been to San Diego during the week of Comic-con, you'll know that every single hotel is sold out 4-5 months previous to the event. But we got through it just fine. Sure we missed our last day at both Nerd HQ and SDCC, but we learned quite a few valuable lessons. I would not change our mishaps for the world.

    Other parts of our trip included day trips to San Francisco, bike rides around my home town, and Putt Putt Golf. We also took a five day vacation to Utah to see my SO's favourite singer (Ben Folds) perform up in Park City--which is absolutely beautiful!! And then after a month together, we ended our travels at the Happiest Place on Earth . . . Disneyland! We drove down from my hometown, which is about a 5 hour drive, to Universal Studios, went to dinner at Medieval Times, and found our way to our hotel across the street from Disneyland. By then, there were only four days left, and I was on edge, knowing that he was leaving me. But I know that if it had been his choice he would have stayed forever.

    If I can give any kind of advice, I'd tell you to never use those words. "Leaving me." I made the mistake of using them far too much. Little did I think about the hurt I may have caused my SO when saying those exact words to him. I made him feel as if him leaving were his fault. I knew otherwise, but used them anyways. So, if an SO is traveling half way around the world, the country, the state, or even a few cities, there will always be a time they have to return home until that distance is closed. Be grateful they spent the time, and the money, and that they worked so hard to come your way. Never take a single thing for granted in any relationship. Especially when time with your SO is limited. I can't stop thinking about the 30 minutes I spent being angry at my SO for no bloody reason while we were at California Adventures. Now that he is back home, I would give anything for 5 of those minutes. Absolutely anything. And whether you're dropping them off at the airport, or you're being dropped off: Go back for that last hug.
    Last edited by Lea-le-Lea; September 1, 2014, 09:11 PM.

    Glad you had a great time!


      This is amazing! I am planning to visit him as well next month, too bad I will only have 2 days with him, hopefully I could spend my birthday there with him and his family, actually I already met him way back 2005 but, we were still too young that time, it was not the perfect moment but it was the perfect feeling, we always treasure until these days, We are so excited for next month 2 days maybe the shortest time we can have but hopefully it will be full of romance, funny memories like yours.. Can I ask? Did you guys exchange a gift before leaving? you know like couple ring, mug and stuffs ?


        Originally posted by dhebz View Post
        Can I ask? Did you guys exchange a gift before leaving? you know like couple ring, mug and stuffs ?
        Oh wow, I didn't think about that, but no we didn't! We already wear rings (Claddagh rings), which he bought both of us for Valentines Day. I did have something I wanted to sneak into his pack. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish it during his stay (in secret), because it involved writing and drawing about things that happened during the visit (I'm making him a children's book about our story, so that we can read it to our kids when the time comes). But I'll be giving that to him as a late Christmas gift when I go over there on my WHV.


          I've been worrying about the time being too long as well, and am still stressing about 16 nights, but at least your post was reassuring that we're not fucking up too badly xD I'm so glad it went so well for you guys!


            We did almost 3 at his place when we first started dating. It was like magic. I doubt we would be where we are today if we had kept it to shorter time together. I can't count how many tearful goodbyes at airports on both ends. I always found dropping him off easier than getting on the plane myself, but I did travel much more than him.
            "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
            Benjamin Franklin

