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In Need of Budget-Friendly Gift Ideas!

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    In Need of Budget-Friendly Gift Ideas!

    Hello there fellow ldr lovers,

    So, my boyfriend and I have been long distance since this past summer and we're becoming better and better at it. We've managed to spend a good amount of quality time with each other since we haven't been going to school together. A weekend here, a weekend there. Certainly no lack of communication when we're apart, we skype for hours on end, never running out of things to talk about. Everytime we have to go back to the real world after we see each other, we immediately go into "scheme mode", planning out next visit. So, if you have any questions or need advice reguarding travel, buses, lodging, or cool date ideas, ask away!

    My question for you all is about gift giving. I really want to do something nice for him for this next time we see each other (this weekend!). I get five days off of school so we have this whole extravaganza planned, we're basically going on a self-organized music festival through New York City. It's going to be grand. It's also our 6 month anniversary, so there's that! Also, I owe him an apology for something that happened last weekend (I won't go into further details here, maybe for another post). I'm also on a really tight budget (I'm broke) until I get paid (which is conveniently after our weekend together) soo I'm gunna need to get creative. I was thinking of making him a photo collage. But I want it to really scream, "I thought of you." What else can I do for him to both celebrate our benchmark and make it up to him for being shitty?

    A box of love. Things that remind you of him. His fav chocolate a DVD of a movie you saw together. Lots of things like that. I'm


      Make the photo collage into a book, where you write about the pictures, you, the day etc.

      I pretty much love all DIY stuff these days, so I will say; Encouragement calener, Open When letter, 52 reasons I love you deck of cards, Explotion box (the last one I have not yet made myself, but it looks amazing).

      Make up stuff that you have to do to make amenze, for instance: give him a back rub/massage, volenteer to help out at his volenteer place of choice (and you must send him photo proof that you actually went and did a good job too), tell him embarrasing secrets about yourself, bake him a cake or snacks as a surprise, sing his favourite song and post it as a video on Skype, give him rights to "punish" you in some manner (after I interrupted my husband one time too many, I made him a deal that if I ever do that again, he can slap my hand. I do believe I am less inclined to interrupt because the hand slap snaps me out of it. And my husband loves it!), walk his dog, clean his room.

      If you get money after your trip, you can always make him a home made "gift card" of something really nice (dinner, movie etc.) that he can get on your next trip (make sure then that it is really his choice, like he gets to choose the restaurant or the movie, you will give lots of candy of his choice too etc.)
      I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
      - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

      "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits

