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Airport Questions! Should I go big and if I do.. what to do?!

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    Airport Questions! Should I go big and if I do.. what to do?!

    My SO will be arriving here in 86 days! How exciting! Considering the countdown started at around 153, we've come a considerable distance. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a patient person. I don't like waiting for things, even good things. I love instant gratification. So, man, did 153 feel like a long time! So does 86! But I'm trying to focus on the now. And now, I want to get planning on how things will be done at the airport.
    He's flying into my hometown so I will pick him up at the airport.
    From the beginning, I've known that I want my family there. But more recently I've been looking into the idea of having a few friends there (A college roommate and my best friend of about 5 years and her family who is my second family.) to greet him as well. So far, they would all love to meet him there at the airport with me. I'd love the support! (We've met before, last summer when I went to visit him, but he picked me up all on his own because he doesn't have much family that lives with him and his friends were away.) He seems to be okay with the idea, neither denying it or being overly excited, so I'm a little hesitant.

    I understand that he is coming off a long flight and might not want to exchange the traditional three Dutch kisses with everyone, but I also think that he might like a big welcome to America since it's his first time. I want him to feel as at home as possible. When I went there, I never very much felt in the know about a lot of things, his friends or too much of his family, but I want him to be friends with all of my friends and to love my family.

    So, I need opinions on that.

    Also, I was trying to think of fun poster board signs we could have should we all decide to be with him!

    Just let me know.
    May the odds be ever in your long distance favor <3

    Personally, I wouldn't want anyone at the airport with me if I hadn't seen my SO in so long. I can understand the excitement of him arriving but after a long trip he'll probably be exhausted and not up for all that. Could you possibly set up a little gathering to happen within a couple of days after his arrival? This way he can meet everyone but allow him time to rest up and spend some time with you first.
    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


      Lol watch some youtube videos to see what others are doing that's awesome!! Did he ever get his passport thing situated? I'm meeting my dude for the first time next month so I'm going through something similar at the moment. For me, that's just making sure everything at home is comfortable. We talked about what foods and stuff he wanted. I've also been doing some last minute maintenance projects I've been putting off.

      I'm definitely doing the opposite of you, but that's just me being low key as usual I just want it to be me and him, and damn all others who get in my way lol on a personal note, I can't stand big crowds at the airport for an arriving loved one. I had to fight through Santas, reindeer and elves to get to my brother last Christmas. I was just as excited to see him as the poor person they were waiting for, but it was a little rude to others waiting for their people as well

      We've been talking about when he comes, what his expectations are. I was planning on cooking so he had something to eat when he got here. He said not to worry about and to stay loose. It definitely took something off my mind talking to him about it

      Maybe, without giving too much of your surprise welcome away, ask him what kind of things he expects or wants out of the trip. That might give you an idea of what to work towards as well congrats on getting him here!! I know you must be monumentally stoked
      Last edited by merlinkitty; February 22, 2015, 05:49 PM.
      "Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you."


        I would love to have a small gathering, and I discussed that with him, but he doesn't want a party. My brother is also graduating right before he arrives and we have a party for him that weekend. The next day, all of us are leaving for a vacation.

        I can understand where you are coming from though. Maybe I'll ask again about a smaller dinner or something.


          Meeting for the first time!!!!!! That is so exciting! I am so happy for you both!
          I am a very exciting person and I like fun and surprises, he is like you, low key and go with the flow.
          I was planning a traditional Dutch dinner for him, but not until later in his stay (He'll be here for around 3 months), maybe when he felt more homesick!
          But for the initial meeting, I am beginning to think yes just family and me for something for intimate.


            That's a lot of people to see right after traveling so far. Everyone is different and it's best to see what his preference is. If my SO brought his family to greet me on one of my visits, while I love his family, I'd be disappointed because when he picks me up from the airport all I want to do is be in his arms and cuddle with him which can't be done...especially in front of his parents. I like R&R's idea of having a get together, after emotions have stabilized and he's able to get a bit acclimated after traveling.

            I really like the idea of having a poster. When I moved home from abroad my sisters had a big sparkly poster board saying "Welcome home, [Me]!" and it was so special!

            *Edit: My computer is slow so most of my comment was already addressed.
            When two hearts are meant for each other, no distance is too far,
            no time is too long, and no other love can break them apart.


              Haha, it's okay!
              I totally get it. He is a shy guy, so I think I will have my family there, they want to be there, which is just my Mom, Dad and brother, and just me. They don't mind if we kiss and hug. Obviously we will have other alone time..... later. So!


                Originally posted by katie.lvd34 View Post
                Meeting for the first time!!!!!! That is so exciting! I am so happy for you both!
                I am a very exciting person and I like fun and surprises, he is like you, low key and go with the flow.
                I was planning a traditional Dutch dinner for him, but not until later in his stay (He'll be here for around 3 months), maybe when he felt more homesick!
                But for the initial meeting, I am beginning to think yes just family and me for something for intimate.
                Lol I like you hahaha that's going to be awesome he's staying for so long the youtubes seriously check out. They were corny as heck, some of them, but sweet all the same
                "Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you."


                  Originally posted by merlinkitty View Post
                  Lol I like you hahaha that's going to be awesome he's staying for so long the youtubes seriously check out. They were corny as heck, some of them, but sweet all the same

                  Before I moved back home for college, I sat on the floor of my dorm room with my roommate and watched first time meetings/ reuniting for about 3 and 1/2 hours and I cried my through EVERY SINGLE ONE.


                    Maybe you can arrange so that you have a couple of minutes alone with him before he meets your family. I have met SOs family or friends right after a flight several times, but the few minutes we had just to ourselves first were really wonderful.
                    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                      Originally posted by differentcountries View Post
                      Maybe you can arrange so that you have a couple of minutes alone with him before he meets your family. I have met SOs family or friends right after a flight several times, but the few minutes we had just to ourselves first were really wonderful.
                      Oh I like this. What do you think about me picking him up from the airport and then possibly meeting them for quiet dinner or something?


                        Originally posted by katie.lvd34 View Post
                        Oh I like this. What do you think about me picking him up from the airport and then possibly meeting them for quiet dinner or something?
                        That is a much, much better idea. Having everyone at the airport seems a bit overwhelming to me, I know you're excited, but chances are he'll be exhausted and will probably appreciate a little calm after landing, getting through customs, and finding his luggage. Give him some time to settle in and relax, meeting your family immediately may be asking too much.
                        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                          Originally posted by katie.lvd34 View Post
                          Oh I like this. What do you think about me picking him up from the airport and then possibly meeting them for quiet dinner or something?
                          That sounds excellent! I can only second what Moon said - This option sounds much more relaxed and nice for everyone involved. I can speak from experience when I say that after a long international flight, you don't have the nerve to meet an excited bunch of family members. Giving him that breathing room will be much easier on him, and it will mean he'll be in much better mental shape when he meets your family. You want them to see him at his best, not at his most cranky and groggy!

                          It'll take a lot more than words and guns
                          A whole lot more than riches and muscle
                          The hands of the many must join as one
                          And together we'll cross the river


                            Originally posted by katie.lvd34 View Post
                            Oh I like this. What do you think about me picking him up from the airport and then possibly meeting them for quiet dinner or something?
                            This idea would be the way to go, I feel. Too many people would be too overwhelming I think. Some people don't like a scene made either, not sure bout your man but mine would not like that many people.


                              When I first met my SO I went to the airport alone. It was such a special moment, and I had only talked to him in real life once when we were not dating yet so I really hadn't 'met' him before. I was super nervous and I really needed that first time alone with him to get used to being around each other. I feel like having my family there would have interefered with that... Seriously, the first hour it was just surreal to have him next to me! So we took the train to my hometown, and by the time we arrived he was ready to meet my family. The next day I had a small gathering with my best friends who had been dying to meet him as well, and we did some traditional Dutch games and stuff. I'd definitely opt for the least amount of people to be at the airport, and just work from there. He'll get to meet everyone eventually, no rush to do it in YOUR special moment!

