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    This summer is going to be fun filled. For some time now my best friend and I have been plotting for an awesome trip idea. It's always been a dream of ours since high school to do a road trip. And she graduated last spring, and I will be graduating this spring so we thought it was the perfect time to take a trip before I go for my next degree. At first we were going to try for various conventions like PAX or Comic Con, but we always go to cons when we're together so I suggested we go to Disneyland instead. We were immediately in agreement there.

    As soon as we started planning, her boyfriend (who is pretty much her manchild) asked if he could tag along. He only wants to go because she and him are rather co-dependent on each other. I told her I didn't mind as long as he actually participated in the Disney fun (last time we went on a group trip that's what he did the entire time and she felt bad and proceeded to cling to him the entire time). So then I got the idea of inviting my boyfriend to come along. That way maybe my best friends boyfriend won't feel like the male third wheel to our besty best friendship trip. Or if he ends up being a hotel dweller and my friend clings to him, I have my boyfriend to hang out with, and hey, boyfriend is there! He is friends with my best friend so if it ends up being the three of us I don't think either of them will feel third wheeled because they're both equally important to me. And then when it's all four of us, no one will be a third wheel!

    We ran into a bump in the road because as soon as I got my bonus check I bought his plane ticket. I felt bad asking him to suddenly plan for a trip with less than 6 months to go so I offered to cover the cost of the plane ticket. Then more plans popped up as I may potentially move up there later on in the summer, so now he is saving up and planning to get a new apartment and he wasn't sure how saving up for the trip would go. I already paid for the plane ticket so I've offered to pay for other costs, like food. All I've asked is that he pay for his park tickets and his baggage fees. This really killed my excitement for the trip because I fear he may still feel hesitant to go now. But I really really want this trip to happen and I'd really like for him and my best friend to meet in person. Plus, Disney with my favorite people!

    I'm trying to regain my excitement. I love being excited for things. It's not hard for me and for months I have been super excited but then I decided to ask my boyfriend if saving up for the trip and for a new place was going to be a possibility and he said he honestly didn't know and he'd have to wait and see until we were closer to the trip date. I was afraid that was him trying to beat around a no and I've been so afraid he will drop out of the trip at the last minute. I know saving up for a new place is important but I don't want that plane ticket to go to waste. Hence why I offered to help cover some of the costs.
    Last edited by Kapwned; March 29, 2015, 02:14 PM.

    Sounds like it should be a very fun trip


      Sounds pretty exciting! I hope you guys have a fun time at Disneyland.

