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Our first time together ( day 3 )

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    Our first time together ( day 3 )

    Hey there fine people
    i want to share day 3 with you about me and my lovely swedish bf

    Day 3 :
    I woke up early to have time for showering and getting dressed eating and help my mom with dinner because he would come around 11 today. He came around 11 and I went outside to meet him and his father and then we all went inside and then we both went upstairs and hugged for almost 10minuts. And then I made him sit down so I could sit in his lap again and we talk and talk and talk and then we decided to lay down in bed instead. For like 2hours and well ofcourse a lot of kissing and cuddeling being kinda weird as always .After those 2hours we went downstairs to eat dinner with my mom and little brother so yeah we ate and talk´t and had a bit fun all 4 of us. After eating for a while we both went upstairs again to my room and I felt a bit lazy so I made him carry me to bed . And we laid there and yeah kissed talk´t cuddeling just having a nice time together for 3hours and then when I finaly let him go after al his begging we went

    outside for a nice walk. We where ofcourse being weird and crazy as always after a bit of walking I felt like trying a new kind of kiss on him witch work´t perfectly by the way .
    When we went back to my place we decided to get some ice cream and take it easy for a bit and ofcourse I accidently trow some of his Ice cream on the floor and then because im a lazypants my mom took care of it. We decided to sit outside and eat so we did and we talk´t and we where joking around.

    After we had finished our ice creams we went back inside to our pc to try to call his friends on skype but unfortunately they wherent online so we went back up stairs instead and ofcourse he had to carry me to bed . And we did as we usuly do for like 2hours and then went back downstairs to take something to eat real fast. And then we went back upstairs and continued well after he carried me back ofcourse we spent our last 4 hours together there in bed. When the final hour aproched I started to cry for almost the entire hour he tried to calm me down while he was taking away my tears.
    And then around 10 he had to go so we had to say goodbye witch was really hard because we wont see eachother for a few months next time will be in November.
    And that’s the story of our first time together.
    We only saw each other for 3 days sadly we bouth did have a hard time to say goodbye :c
    we will see each other again in 2 months .

    Hopefully you like day 3 and enjoyed reading it

    I've read your three posts about that visit and I couldn't help smiling the whole time! Thanks for sharing that experience! I'm going to see my SO for the first time in February and I hope everything will be as perfect as it was for you. Btw have you already seen him again? It's almost December!

