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    Just over a month left!

    I'm flying over to America in 42 days to visit my SO, and I actually haven't made anything offical yet! I've found cheap(ish) flights, which I think I might book tomorrow. Around £512 for a return. But I think I still need to sort my visa out - does anybody know if they cost just for a 2 week visit? And I'm going to have to start shopping too! I don't know about the weather but.. I think it's quite cold in October over in the states? So I'll pick up some winter clothes. And maybe an international plug socket? Jesus, I'm so unorganised here haha.
    60 days until i fly to texas.
    6th august 2017 - the day i made you mine.

    It depends where you are going to be in the States.... We range from below 0 to the 80s....
    The plug is a great idea, and a way to store pictures if you can. My step daughter filled her iPhone while in France and ended up saving to laptop and burning ti a cd.....


      I'll be going to Utah, so I really don't know what it's going to be like there haha. Yeah, I plan on making a loooot of room on my iPhone before I go haha.
      60 days until i fly to texas.
      6th august 2017 - the day i made you mine.


        You can do your visa online. It cost $14.

        Wow your flights were cheap!!! I paid £630 for mine to chicago, I'm going in 34 days!! Are yours direct? I could have got them cheaper but as this is our first time meeting I'm going to be stressed as hell so didn't fancy changing or stopping. Wanted to get there ASAP so direct it was.

        Please tell me you have your passport sorted!!! Lol!!!


          Oh really? Do you have a link, hun?

          Yeah they're the cheapest I've found and I've been looking for months. But it's not a direct flight, unfortunately, so I'll be stopping off somewhere haha. Oh, wow, I love Chicago! Hope it all goes great for you!

          Yesss, haha. My passport has been sorted for a while. I think it's valid for like 10 years and I renewed it a year ago.
          60 days until i fly to texas.
          6th august 2017 - the day i made you mine.



            Hopefully that works!!!


              Update: I booked my tickets! £600 for a return, and I stop off in New York and Pheonix. It'll take me all day to get there, so I'll have to plan my sleeping so that I don't die in the car on the way to hers, haha. I've done my ESTA visa, just need to pay for it. Last thing to do now is sort out what I'm taking and start packing!!
              60 days until i fly to texas.
              6th august 2017 - the day i made you mine.


                I never sleep well when I am traveling and I usually greyhound from new york. I'm flying the whole way at xmas though. The ESTA is good for two years if you plan on going again but I am pretty sure you shouldn't spend more than 90 days a year there. I've spent about 50 odd this year so far and another 21 at xmas so should be ok. I'd ask your girlfriend what the weather is like as she'll know it best.
                Engaged Dec 2015!! Visa approved June 2016 . Married July 18th 2016 <3

                Home is where the heart is and my home will always be with my love.
                All the way from England to the USA.


                  About the 90 days: many countries have a rule that regular tourists should not spend more than 90 days during a 180 day period there - meaning that you can stay a total of 6 months during a year, split up into minimum 2 different stays. But if you max things out like that, you risk that authorities regard you as having de facto moved, so it is reccomended to stay below the max limit.
                  I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                  - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                  "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                    I slept most of my flight when I went to Australia, but I have movies and games to do if I can't sleep aha. I'm only going for 10 days (booo!!) so I think I'll be alright, haha. Is NY that bad? I'm only stopping there for an hour, and then going on another flight so. She said 'warm clothes' so I'm guessing like, autumn clothes? If I need a pair of gloves I can pick them up from Walmart.
                    60 days until i fly to texas.
                    6th august 2017 - the day i made you mine.


                      Depends where in Utah.... 30 at night to 70s in day. Yes fall clothes with a coat.. But ask as it fluctuates.


                        Draper, ha. She said it'll be both hot and cold so I'm taking a mixture and just gonna hope for the best haha.
                        60 days until i fly to texas.
                        6th august 2017 - the day i made you mine.

