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US Visa for Poles

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    US Visa for Poles

    Hello again, everyone,

    things are sorted out between me and my SO and we're planning to see each other this year (this summer, to be more precise). He'll be coming to me first (US - PL), and then we were thinking of me going to him (so PL - US). Now here's the deal: Poles need Visas. Sadly. And the annoying thing is, this year is going to be a year of change for me. I'll be finishing my studies in June/July and starting work in September, so the only moment I have to visit him is August. But I'm fearing that if I go and try to get a Visa, I won't get it: after all, at that exact moment I won't have any obligations as a student nor as a worker. Granted I have all my family here (not a single person in the US), I've lived in PL my whole life and I only want to go to the US for two weeks. I'm not sure whether the person deciding upon my Visa-future will believe me. I know no one can say for sure, but what's everyone's experience? Any ideas?


    So you already have an employer for september? of yes, then just ask for the contract earlier. Also the apartment lease and bank statements should be included. I'm Polish as well so had to get visa, but thankfully I was still a student (no job tho) and actually I applied in January, while I was graduating in June. I would apply NOW when you still have uni, and have to go back. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to prove.
    I got my visa valid for 10 years, so just apply NOW


      Thank you! I do have an employer, but I'm not sure if they'll be willing to give me any proof. As for the apartment lease, now I'm once again living with my family, so that's not something I can include per se. Bank statements aren't an issue at all.

      It might be better for me to apply now.. I shall try, then!


        No problem. And I think getting visa now won't be an issue, but then when you actually travel and go through border control in US, you really need to have proof of employment


          I did talk with the company already and sadly, they might not be able to help me in this regard. They told me to give them a few days or so to sort it out, but in general, not sure if they'll manage to produce any proof around this time.

          Still, really? I did hear stories about people being sent back to PL at the US border, but I've always thought it was a bit exaggerated. I mean, at that point I'll have my plane ticket and the exact date of my travel back to PL, so shouldn't that be a proof enough?

          I might end up going to Canada instead at this rate


            I've been told that a lot of times they just ask you verbally about your situation. May not be true for all, but has been for my SO. If you tell them you signed a contract to start work in September that should be enough if they're nice...unfortunately sometimes they are not. Not sure what to tell you if that's the case...

