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First meeting in 10 days!

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    First meeting in 10 days!

    Hi! My SO is coming over for a month in just 10 days! We're going to come to a few gigs (including a fest were Slowdive, one of our faves bands ever will play!) and then to a few trips, even one with my parents.

    This is the first time we're going to meet after a few months being in love of each other but remaining just friends, and then almost four months of LDR.

    I'm sooo excited and happy, but also nervous! I feel like I have to do some kind of process so I'll be ready for when he comes, and plan everything, but I just can't figure what to do! I'm scared something could go wrong for me not being prepared and our relationship would be ruined. I find myself thinking that often since last week, but then I remember how well we get along with each other and I hope everything will be fine.

    Is it normal feeling this way? Any advice to stop being so nervous and anxious for this?

    We have been "arguing" (it's more like having misunderstandings) a bit lately, with respect of course, and always going to bed in good terms. I think maybe that's because we're both so nervous, and also because we can barely speak now during weekdays, because of changes in our schedules at work and university.