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Advice on dealing with the jetlag ?

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    Advice on dealing with the jetlag ?

    My SO and I are going to spend one week of vacations in Germany next week. It's a 7h time difference for me and whoever traveled east on a red-eye flight knows that jet lag is pretty bad in this direction. Over the years as I travel often for work, I have managed to recover faster and faster from it. The first time I traveled that way (in 2010) it took me a full week to recover, now I can be somewhat operational the day after landing (taking melatonin at the beginning of the flight also helps).

    For this trip however, I'll land at 10am, rent a car, and drive us to a hotel 1h30 away (I already have some fears about driving under the effect of jet lag, I've never done it before). The hotel's check-in starts only at 5pm so we will have to stay busy until we can get our room, which means finding a place to eat, visiting the city, etc. And when we will have our room, you can imagine my SO would be pretty frustrated (although she would understand) if I fall asleep right away.

    Do you guys have any tricks to cope with the jet lag? (right now I'm waking up earlier and earlier everyday, using melatonin to force my biological cycle to shift, and I plan to be up at 4am the day I travel, but it's really a bet on whether I'll manage to sleep in the plane or not...). What would be really great is something that would boost me right out of the plane (and don't suggest coffee, it makes me stressed :P).

    What seemed most effective for me was just toughing out the first day, and then going to sleep at what would be considered a normal time wherever I am. I'll be super tired for that first day, but I tend to bounce back pretty quickly on the second day.


      I agree with Harlequin. Last time I went to Europe, I managed to make it a solid 24 hours with only a small nap once I arrived in the country. From that point on, I really didn't have jet lag. I never had problems sleeping like most people do, I just had problems waking up! A few friends and family came to visit me and they did the same. Many of them still had jet lag but were functional during the time regardless. It sounds like you're doing a lot to combat it already! Be prepared to take melatonin for the week in order to help you sleep, but I would say that ensuring a good night sleep every night is the best way to kick it!


        I used to fly Detroit to London often and there were two direct flights.
        One leaving at 6.30pm and arriving around 6.30am. And then a later one leaving at 10.30pm and arriving 10.30am.

        Twice me and my SO took the earlier flight and we struggled hard. But if we took the later one then we almost forced ourselves to sleep on the plane.
        That's my advice to you- sleep on the plane. Ignore the movies, the food and your neighbours, just try to sleep.

        I hope that helps

