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So scared he'll change his mind!

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    So scared he'll change his mind!

    My SO is coming to visit me for the first time in a couple of months. We've been in a ldr for 6 months and it's been really great we talk every day and both seem to feel the same way.
    What is terrifying me is that when he gets here and sees me and my life for real he won't want to take this any further. I've gotten so worked up over it I've even considered breaking up with him so I don't get my heart broken.
    Has anyone else has these worries ?

    You are the same person when you are actually together as you are when you are apart. Unless you have falsely represented things about you or your life, there is no reason to think that when he sees your life, he'll change his mind.

    Are there times when people meet for the first time that the chemistry isn't there? Yes, it's happened - it happened to me. But it tends to be between the two individuals themselves and not about their lives. Life is full of risks and chances. You can't not take them because there might be a slight chance it won't work out how you want it. You'll never know unless you try.
    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.

