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First Time Reunion

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    First Time Reunion

    Hello everyone!

    I am new to this site and new to this long distance relationship world. My boyfriend and I met at work, it was a small part time job, we both met and the connection was instant. We spend every possible moment together, worked summer jobs together, created beautiful memories. I am older than he is, by about four years. I am finishing off my degree and he decided it was best for him to continue his education in another state. It was incredibly difficult seeing him go, I was depressed, cried everyday, and completely miserable. I love him and we both agreed that we would at the very least try.

    It has been three months since we have seen each other and I was beyond anxious knowing I would see him so soon. Things have been rocky between us, the distance has really taken a toll on us, I feel like we have grown apart and we wanted to see if the connection was still there. So when he finally arrived to my house, I was so nervous. I stepped out to the driveway and just ran and hugged him. Neither of us said a word, he began to cry. He was shaking as was I. We just laughed and hugged, tearfully. I do not know what this means.. I do not know if the passion and love is still there and we just needed a little refresher. I just wanted some advice, I also wanted to hear about other reunions and how they turned out.

    Thank you!

    Welcome to LFAD!

    Everyone's story is going to be different. My SO and I are older, so I think because we are both established, really knew what we wanted and have been through a lot in our adult lives (married before, had our kids, etc), it was easier for us to know what we were looking for and what our ultimate goal was. Our longest time apart was 16 months with no visits and there was never a hesitation about our relationship. Earlier this month was the first time we saw each other after 16 months and we got married.

    Both of you are still young. He's just started college in a new place, meeting new people and a whole new world has opened up to him. There are people who can't handle the distance or decide that it may not be right for them. They may be overwhelmed with everything else going on and don't want to have that commitment. There is nothing wrong with that as long as they are honest with themselves and their partner.

    The only one who can really tell you is your SO. You will have to sit down and talk about it. The two of you will have to decide if you are both willing to put in the effort to make a LDR work. Distance can make you or break you. Time apart can make you realize how much you want to be together or decide that maybe it's best to part ways. I wish you both the best of luck on making the decision that is right for the both of you.
    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.

