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Boyfriend doesn't want me to visit him

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    Boyfriend doesn't want me to visit him

    Me (from Austria) and my boyfriend (Brazilian) are almost a year together, but we know each other for 3.5 years already. He is a cruise ship employee and we had our routine that after he passed 3-4 months on board, he had 2 months off and we could spend time together. Or (as I'm a passionate cruiser) I could even take cruises on his ships to see him during his contracts. We know each other's families, as he already visited me, and I visited him as well. We are also talking about getting married soon, so the relationship is kinda serious..

    Well, now, following happened... He resigned from his company, and he wants to find a new job. So long story short: currently, he is at home and he is unemployed, and we have absolutely no plan when we can meet again. I'm very busy as I'm at the end of my university, and I permanently have exams and lessons that I must attend, but I found a gap when I could visit him. I told him that I could go to see him in 2 weeks time, and stay around 9 days. When I asked him, I told him that I don't have any plans for those 9 days, as I know he can't spend money now. I told him I just want to stay home with him, watch movies and cook together... Simple things, so that he doesn't need to spend money. And he said that it's not a good idea, because it's not a good time now. He said I would be his guest and as a guest I shouldn't worry about anything, and he is not in the financial situation now to care about me in those 9 days.

    And as strange as it sounds... I don't understand him. I'm quite tiny and I don't eat a lot, so it's not like he needs to spend 200 dollars for my food. I could even buy my food by myself, as Brazil has cheap prices, compared to Austria. On the one hand I understand that he wants to pay everything for his girlfriend when she is his guest, but on the other hand, is it really so much about money?! He prefers not to see me for an uncertain amount of time, instead of giving up a bit of his ego and let me go there, and pay my things while I'm in his house?

    What's your opinion about his behavior? I don't even know what to do with him now, as I'm so disappointed...

    From my experience with my SO, yes it really is about the money. He feels less because he can't currently contribute financially, on top of being stressed from trying to find steady employment. I accept that for what it is, but he finds it very difficult to deal with. Just talking about money gets him very stressed, so if we do talk about it, I keep it brief.

    In our situation, I have disposable income, but my SO rarely does. With that being the way of things, I flew out to stay with him. When I left, I gave him the remainder of the money I had changed up for the trip. I'd only spent $20, and I left him the other $200.

    Maybe emphasise the point to him about the uncertainty of your next visit? That may help him to put it into a larger overall perspective.

    In summing up: It's not you, it's him. If I ever work out a way to "cure" my man of this, I'll let you know.

