My boyfriend got his visitor visa rejection today. And it doesn't look as though an appeal is going to be of much use, we can't provide the evidence that they require because it just does not exist.

It has always been pretty much decided that if we are ever to close the distance, he is going to come here to the UK. It would be almost impossible for me to get a job in his country, and I would always be an object of curiosity in his area due to my ethnicity, which isn't particularly safe for me. We would have a much better life here, with more freedoms for the both of us. But if he can't even get here to visit me for a couple of weeks, I don't know what I am supposed to do, particularly in the long term. The relationship could very well end at the moment on the grounds of bureaucracy.

I haven't felt this sad in an extremely long time. I haven't so much as seen his face since January, if I want to see him I have a choice of two photographs available to me. Sorry to any readers for sounding so pathetic, but it is feeling at the moment that I may never see him again.