Well, I know what Imma use my blog for (see title LOL) Right now I am uber annoyed. My SO logged off of messenger without saying jack. We'd not talked in like two hours, but I was still online and not idle. He knows it annoys me when he does this...I told him so by thanking him for saying good night after long silences when he'd been doing so for a few days after doing what he did tonight for several days. I miss him enough....I don't want saying goodnight to fall by the wayside. *sighs, grumbles and grouches*

I guess we will see if it becomes habit again. Seems like he's had a rough couple of days, though he didn't seem to want to talk about it. If he tells me its the same stuff, I leave it at that, ya know?

When it comes to conversation, he is so stereotypically male! One of the very few ways he fits the stereotype that I've seen so far, but a very annoying one. Unless he is super into a topic, I usually get one word replies. Sometimes I am tempted to do the same with him, but that won't change anything. I KNOW he cares, but by god, it would be nice if he asked questions about things I am trying to talk to him about once in a blue moon! I ask him questions, even if its just how's your show/movie going...GROWLS....

Okay, rant over for now... let's us see what the next couple of days brings.....