I haven't been around too much recently, because my doctor is currently having me play medication roulette until we find something that my body won't horribly reject. Due to a previous head injury, staring at a computer screen for too long can make things worse. I'm restless, though, so I needed to give myself something to do. I did that one old photo recreation thing...I guess a week ago? I really enjoyed it, so yesterday I decided to do some more. Between yesterday and today, I took my time editing the photos and decided I wanted to make a thing of it. It's a great exercise in photography as well as photoshop, and the longest part of it takes place away from a computer screen. It'll also be fun watching myself get better at this and stop tilting my head for no discernible reason.
Here are the ones I've done so far

Great grandmom, 1924

Great grandmom, 1925 (first one I did)

Mom, 1970s

Mom, 1980s
featuring Charlie Chaplin