I don't know which god I pissed off, but I want to formally apologize for doing it.

Everything just sorta...blew up recently. Not in my relationship, but in life in general. As far as my relationship goes, we're fine and dandy, and we're skyping for the first time in about a month on Wednesday. I'm very excited.

Recently, my cousin moved in with my parents and me. He was originally going to only be here for a few months, but he got into a trade school, so now he's gonna be with us for about a year. I don't mind that, and I'm really excited for him since he absolutely deserves this chance, but wow there was a lot of drama in his life that I was not aware of before. I'm not going to talk about his personal matters here, but I will say that most of it wasn't his fault. Things have calmed down a lot, and he seems to be a lot happier now. I'm really hoping for the best for him.

My mother just had a double knee replacement surgery. This was planned for months, so while it didn't suddenly happen, the massive cleaning overhaul that took place because of it sure as hell did. The house needs to be a clutter-free as possible for when she comes home, and my dad has really been on top of it. I've been helping as much as I can, and I've also taken on the role of chef. My mom is doing about as well as one would expect. She's in a lot of pain, but the hospital is keeping her pretty heavily medicated, and she's going to be really happy she endured all this once she's completely recovered. My mom is 65, and when she was about 15 years old, she injured her knees during field hockey. Back in the day, the way of fixing an injury like she had was, apparently, removing the cartilage from your knees. So, my mom had been walking around for the past 50 years with nothing to keep her bones from grinding against each other. I don't know how she did it.

As far as I go, I've started fainting a lot again. I'm currently nursing a concussion from a recent spell, actually. My doctor keeps trying adjust my medication, and I'm back on my boot treatments again, but no dice. I've also had to shell out a lot of money (for me) rather suddenly. The fainting spell I had before I had my concussion one two days ago was also pretty bad, and I apparently launched my phone with enough force to break the case. The phone itself is fine, but my case is busted up just enough that I need a new one. The case was pretty sturdy, but it was all in how it landed combined with the fact that I often end up launching my phone if I faint while I'm holding it. Sometimes I actually land ON it if it's in my pocket or whatever. On top of that, I've spontaneously become allergic to my facial moisturizer, which is more annoying than anything else. I ordered raw shea butter since it's affordable and noncomedogenic, so hopefully that helps. I dry out hardcore, and then I crack and bleed and really it's just not worth it. I also finally got tired of my lady-products irritating the fuck out of my skin/making that whole aspect of life really unpleasant, so I bought a diva cup and we'll see how that goes.

Finally, my bras no longer fit (they're too small), and I have no idea what my size is anymore. I can't go to a boutique to get fitted, because I'm disabled and can't drive, and there's no one to take me. So, I tried sizing myself using this guide. I tried using both methods for getting my band size, and boy howdy did I get two different results:
Band width across top of chest: 36in
Bust: 36in
Supposed bra size: 36AA

Band width under bust: 32in
Bust: 36in
Supposed bra size 32D

I currently wear a 34B. Now, I know my boobs aren't huge, but I know the general shape and how they rest of your chest and stuff can play a part in your bra size. I just...don't think I'm a D-cup? I KNOW I'm not a AA-cup, but a D-cup seems to be a bit of a stretch as well. I just went ahead and ordered two bras from Walmart: a 32C and a 32D. There's no harm in trying them out, and I can always return them if they don't fit. That's about the closest thing to a proper bra fitting that I can do at the moment. I just wish my body didn't spontaneously decide to fall apart RIGHT NOW. Like....god.

On the bright side, Charley still has his shit together. He's a good boy, and he still does his very best to be a good service dog for me while I'm at home. He's also doing well in obedience class, and he gets very excited when we train together. He's been limping, though, so he has to get an X-ray on Thursday, but overall his spirits are undeterred and he's just got a good head on his shoulders. Life is just so exciting for him. Everything is great and he's a good boy. The best boy, even.