I just figured I'd give everyone an update on what my lazy rump has been up to since I feel like I've really fallen off the radar.

My ex

My ex and I were supposed to have a chat in order to clear the air. That was back at the end of May. Although we ended on a good note, I haven't heard from him since the end of May, and he's since deleted his WhatsApp (my guess is because of his move, which makes sense). He still has his skype, though, so I guess there's that. I haven't made the effort to reach out, but neither has he. I'd hate to completely lose him as a friend since he was always so important to me, but I'm not gonna sweat it. It's not worth getting upset over.

Health stuff

I've been going to doctors upon doctors, and really none of them have been very helpful. My fainting has gotten to the point where it's multiple times a week to multiple times a day, and occasionally my legs just straight-up stop working. I'm more frustrated and bored than anything else. I got a new cardiologist in addition to my main one, and this new one is willing to work with him. He says that if, between the two of them, they can't find a medication combination that works, I'll either need to get some sort of injection into a nerve bundle in my neck, or I'll need a pacemaker. I don't WANT either, but if that's honestly what it's going to take to get this shit to finally stop, then just stab me in the neck already or crack open my ribcage like a walnut. Let's do this.
The new doctor changed up my medication a little, because (as he said) it cannot possibly make things worse. It's been about a week, and so far nothing's changed. So seriously, stab me in the neck and let's get this over with. I'M BORED and don't feel like waiting for medication to kick in anymore.

Fun stuff

My creative drive came back in full swing recently, so I've been working on portraits again. You can see the one I'm currently working on here, and apparently you can zoom in a little on it, but Idk if I suggest that since facebook absolutely kills quality. I'm really content with how it's turning out, though. Other than that, I've finished sanding down my sewing desk, so all I need to do is refinish it, and then I can get it completely set up and start sewing. FINALLY. I feel like the first thing I'll sew is probably like, a dress since it's summer and whatnot, but I've got patterns waiting in my favourites to try. I'm really excited to get started, because I want to do a historically-themed photo shoot by mid-autumn. If I want to make the costumes for that, I need to be at least a little proficient at sewing first. I can hand sew, but sewing machines intimidate me (as does fire and the wheel, and any sort of modern "invention" that's simply thinly-veiled witchcraft).

Other than that, I've haven't been up to much. I'm currently on a super hardcore revolutionary war-era history kick, so I'm immersed in that. I dunno. I guess that's about it, because I've forgotten what I was going to say.

Hope everyone's doing well!