I was on here a few years ago. I forget my name from back then, but I was dating someone from Maryland.

Anyway, I visited him in 2014 in September, I believe and when I returned home to Texas, he dumped me at work the very next day.

Well, I was a wreck. For the longest time. Finally, I ended up moving on from the job I had met him at in March 2015 and started working elsewhere. However, I was even more miserable in Texas. I was ready to leave. Finally in October 2015, I left Texas and moved to Nevada where I'd been hoping to move to forever.

Fast forward to now. Me and Mr. Bear had known each other since earlier this year or perhaps around late last year, I'm not sure anymore which. Well back then we were just casually talking to each other until just recently when we decided to get more serious.

I'm happier now albeit being nervous about another LDR. We shall see how this one goes.