I need to get this out somewhere, and not freak out my SO in the process...
These last few days have been difficult, ive been very tired, i havent adjusted yet from the travel, and the commuting to and back from work has been a pain...
Add to that i am 4 days late... Now i know its probably because of the travel and my body being tired and all, but me being a worrier doesnt help, so the thought of me being pregnant right now is terrifying me.... Im trying not to think about it, i promised myself that i would wait until the weekend to take a home pregnancy test if nothing comes up before that... And then if its negative and still nothing happens reschedule my doctors oppointment for wednsday so he can chck me out..
I have an IUD, and if i am pregnant theres a possibility of it being in the tubes (not to get into medical jargon)...
Okay, now that ive written this im going to convince myself to not think about ut, at least today, and head for work...
Thanx for listening