Things have been quite hectic lately and I've been keeping it all bottled up and having a hard time sharing.. Maybe a blog will help...
Summer is the busiest time of the year at work in our office, we have 3 construction sites going on. Lots and lots of work to do. Just in the past two weeks I've worked the total of my monthly average number of hours, and I already work full time. It's been crazy, hard, but also very challenging and satisfying; mostly a great experience except for the exhaustion. The weather also isn't very cooperative. I'm writing this on my way to work at 730 am and the temperature is already 95. They predict we'll get to the 110's today :s I'm already soaked, and the humidity makes it difficult to breathe. I never used to be one to complain from the heat, that's how bad it's gotten!

On the 'closing the distance' front things haven't moved forward. I'm very much behind with my savings. Only have aside about 1/5 of what I should have right now. Also had to buy a new phone and it cost quite a bit. hopefully will be able to sell it at a good price before moving *fingers crossed*. My SO is also going through a hard time financially and I fear things are worse than he's telling me. We'll find out in a couple of weeks..
I also need to seriously research for the exams I have to pass before I apply to uni!

I'll be visiting in two weeks, for two weeks; my last visit before the move. I usually would be jumping up and down right now, but excitement and joy is counter balanced with fear and anxiety. Around a month ago I did something that really hurt my SO. I won't get into what it was, the important part is that my SO is hurting because of a decision I took. When something like that happens he tends to close up, communication dwindles and we no longer share the little loving things we used to, our exchanges are normal/funny but also like cold. Things got to the point where he was extremely upset this weekend and sent me an email stating all that was bothering him. My heart is breaking when I think of that email, he used words I wished never to read/hear from him. Not anger or hate, but pain and deception. We have a lot of talking to do on this visit to sort things out. Most of it all comes from a misunderstanding, but it's the kind of talk that needs to be had face to face, that's why it's been postponed for 6 weeks. I truly hope we'll resolve this quickly and will come out of this stronger. If we were still CD it would just have taken a couple of days to be able to address it fully... Those past 4 weeks are the hardest that I've been through long distance... I don't even think we'll hug or he'll hold my hand when I come out of the airport gates...

I had a nightmare two days ago that he could no longer take it and this was our last visit. Woke up in tears. I have to admit this is what I dread the most. I force myself not to think about it, and stay positive. I'm confident in our union and already know that the months to come before I move are going to be really hard, but at moments anxiety creeps up and today is one of them...

If you've made it this far, stay right here, I'll get you some super carrot cake from the kitchen

On a brighter note, I love the comfort LFAD brings. Congratulations Zephii and Obi! The baby shower thread is my mood lifter lately
This community rocks!

Oh and also, nothing beats a good Disney Classic to set everything right I watched Beauty and the beast yesterday night. This is the first movie I ever watched in a theater. I was 8 (civil war = no cinema). I have very vivid memories of that night, and love watching this movie again and again. The soundtrack and text is embedded in my brains

I think this is all for today.
Thank you for letting me rant