So I decided this year I'm going to do something I have been wanting to do for years but have always been afraid to do so. NaNoWriMo. My SO tries his hardest to encourage me but I've always found an excuse that I don't have any ideas or any motivation to execute the plan of ACTUALLY participating. I've been a member for three years (ironically almost the same length as my relationship, heh) and have never even tried to participate. I just scroll through the little tips they give people, sighing 'Why can't I just get the confidence to go for it?' and finally I think I've found it.

I've been doing this free online 'Introduction to Journalism' course I found (Future Learn) and within the first two weeks I have become so much more confident in my own abilities. Especially with the first few assignments they give you, and you get peer-reviews from other learners and the first review I got on my work was saying that what I wrote was great. I felt so freaking proud of myself! Usually I find an excuse to be like 'Oh yeah, my work isn't that great to be honest, I try my hardest but it kinda sucks still.' But, now I feel like I CAN actually WRITE!! I've loved writing since I was 5 and even when I became home schooled (age 13), the inspector (because I was home schooled by my parents) looked at my work one day and said that I could achieve great things as a writer if I just believed in myself a bit more. I should've listened to that advice a long time ago, and actually believed in myself more but here I am - 9 years later actually believing in myself! It's a great feeling. Yesterday I spent 5 hours brainstorming ideas, finding an idea I really wanted to expand on, and then start outlining more with it - obviously I won't be actually writing the story until Nov 1st.

Away from the writing, on the 17th is me and Davy's three year anniversary! I was planning to do some Open When letters for it, but I haven't been able to find the materials in time to make them special so that'll be his Christmas present - well part of it. Instead I'm sending him some books I know he'd love to read, and just a little letter inside a card. It's not much but it's all I can afford, really. He enjoys reading the books I send him anyway as he says everything I send him is thoughtful/meaningful regardless of the price tag. We're also going to be celebrating 4 months as an engaged couple on the 14th so yay! <3