So we have finally made to move, and I was thinking maybe if I could share my full experience with the site, it may or may not help someone else in the future.

For months before the actual move date, Kevin and I planned and re-planned everything about our move, to make sure that everything would be as smooth as possible. We found a place to live, and I got a job about two and a half months before we actually moved. As I got paid I would set money aside for bills, and money aside for moving costs, and whatever I had left I was slowly starting to pick things up for our apartment. When Kevin would come to visit, we would go through what I had, and make a list of things we still needed, and then we would pick up things on the list. Kevin didn't have a place to store things because he was living with friends, I on the other hand had a whole spare room my parents were nice enough to let me use for storage. My uncle recently moved to a smaller house and he had extra things he was willing to give me, like a couch! By the time of the move date, I had everything I needed to fill a 2 bedroom apartment!

2 weeks before the move we got a phone call from the Apartment complex. She said that she didn't have a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom available anymore, which was fine with us, we really just wanted a two bedroom and1 bath which she said she did have. We told her that was fine with us and not to worry. (we both had already signed the lease to live in the two bedroom two bathroom.) Two days later she called us again to say that she was really sorry but the people had just resigned their lease and that she didn't have another apartment available for two months. I can't explain to anyone how hard it is to not have a place to live when you are moving to an unfamiliar place!

And so the stress began. We frantically found another place to live 1 week before the final move, and we signed a lease there. The problem was that our moving dates had already changed once (the dates on the 1 bedroom 1 bath were different) and NOW this place had a different date again. We had to call the place where we rented the moving truck and explain to them what was going on, we had to try and re-arrange our plans, and the plans of our families that were willing to use their vacation time to help us move. Stress Stress Stress! Two nights before the move, we had a big thunder storm. I heard a really loud crack, and then a boom. Hrm. I went to the window to see what had happened to find that lightning had struck a tree, that had fallen on my new Jeep! UGH! Frantic because I had just got an oil change, and new tires for the move I called my dad crying my eyes out. My dad was nice enough to lend me his jeep (which I have here now) while mine is being repaired. Lastly the night before the move Kevin's dad was flying to NY to help drive a vehicle for me and his plan was delayed SEVERAL times. He didn't make it in until 12PM (he was supposed to land at 330pm) and we were leaving at 5AM the next morning for the 10.5 hour trip.

The drive took us 12 hours because we didn't take into the account the moving truck just couldn't move like a Jeep. I was so happy to finally get out of the car and relax! Ya right. Kevin was still moving his things from his old place to the new place so his family, my dad I started to unload the truck. We got everything in the house by midnight, we set up only the beds and the 7 of us passed out (his brother on the couch, his parents in one bed, my dad in the other, his sister on a floor, and kevin and I on a floor,) We slept for about five hours and started to get things situated in the apartment again.

It was a long process getting things livable, and everyone left on Monday. It was sad for me to come home from work to an empty house!

We have adjusted well to loving with each other, and we adopted a dog from the VBSPCA! We are doing really well. I love being with him, and I think hes happy I'm here too!