This she is a family member, and I love her DEARLY, I actually really used to like her a lot too. Sadly as of right now I'm not sure how much I like her, but I do still love her.

This she is one of the women I grew up looking up to. She was always there for me with knowledgeable advice. She was always strong in her relationships and she in my opinion had everything going for her EXCEPT she always had to be with someone. She was angry and depressed if she wasn't in a relationship and this is still her fault now. She's married. She married a man with two kids. The man wasn't divorced but widowed. That being said, she supposedly isn't happy. She has been with this man for some seven years, and she hasn't been happy for but the time they dated. She says she stays with him because of his two kids. She knows she would have to share her daughter, but he wouldn't have to share his two kids because they aren't biologically hers. The problem with this is that I don't think everything she says is true.

She'll tell me something he did, like call her a whore, but with her next breath she tells me about this doctor who is interested in her. Then a few days later her husband is amazing. The next week he called her a bad mother, but in the next breath she'll tell me about this other man who is interested in her. This has gone on for the last year or so. My thing is either you are happy or you aren't. Quit with the YoYo. Why does someone have to be interested in her for her to want to leave? And is her husband REALLY doing the things she says? Because she only comes up with these things when someone is interested in her! UGHHHHHH