If you read my last post, it mentioned that I was supposed to come home with Kevin for a month, and then I posted that the Dr wouldn't let me because of some medical concerns. Well now let me explain.

Kevin's family -1 brother came to visit my family in NY for about 6 days. Kevin was able to stay nearly 2 weeks. The whole visit was amazing. His family is great. I couldn't ask for better in laws. I literally love them all as if they were my own family. We hung out, saw the sights, and acted as one big family unit. Luckily our families love each other! Once his family left (I so cried) Kevin and I hung out, went to a prenatal appointment and he got to hear the baby's heart beat (Finally). We talked, watched movies, and were able to be ourselves as one unit again, and it so worked, so well. It always shocks me after time apart how easy it is for us to fall back into step with each other.

Back on track, Kevin had to leave on Tuesday as he had to be back here Wednesday because he had so much stuff to do before he went back to work. I had planned on going back with him VERY last minute (Monday at 11pm) but figured I would call the Dr. in the morning just to make sure (I would miss a weight/BP check but that was it, and I can do both myself.) We were on the road, we said goodbye to everyone and just as we were about to pull out a nurse from my OBGYN office calls. She said after my 24 hour urine test my doctor had some concerns about my Kidney function and that he was in surgery but would call me back by 2pm to let me know if it was okay or not. Now I have two family members that are RN's working on their nurse practitioner license. I call them up, and reiterated the whole conversation with the nurse (she had told me what level was too high) and they both let me know that if this was indeed what was high, there is a fair chance he won't let me go because at the point she mentioned to me, it was right on the edge of going into kidney failure. I freaked out.

I told Kevin, and literally broke down on the spot. Imagine your health at risk to the point of losing your baby, AND not being able to spend the worrisome time with you SO. I felt completely helpless. I cried. For hours. I kissed Kevin goodbye and rushed him at the door as if he left NY at 2pm he would have been home at 10pm, without enough time to finish what he had to do. UGHHHHH! I cried from the time I got off the phone with the nurse, until 1:45pm. The DR. himself calls me back. I saw the number on my caller ID, and literally lost my breath. I composed myself and waited for the horrible news.

He was very apologetic. I was confused at first. I had to slow my brain down to understand that he was telling me that his nurse shouldn't have told me anything, and it wasn't that he was worried about what she had said, but rather I didn't pee enough in quantity and I could very well be dehydrated. He said if I drank more and things didn't improve I would have to be watched, but he honestly felt I was dehydrated. He voiced his concern about my 37 (now) pound weight loss, and told me if I promised to drink Gatorade and eat better I could go with Kevin, and call him on Jan 19th with my weight and blood pressure twice every day I'm gone. WHAT?!?!?!?!

Kevin is out of state by now, about 3 hours away. I hurried off the phone and shot Kevin good news first, and then the bad, that I could have been there with him all this time. UGHHHHHHHHHH. Kevin tells me he will pay for my ticket to fly to VA and he'll pick me up. I check the prices and what do you know? 400 dollars and up until the end of Jan. (I'm not allowed to leave anywhere after Feb. as per my dr, Plus I have 4 apts in Feb already.) I call him, again and tell him I'll just have to see him when he can finally make the move. I was sad still but relieved the baby was okay.

Kevin then says the most wonderful thing. "I'm turned around and headed back to NY. I should be there around 5 or so, be ready because we'll have to turn right back around" My heart melted, so I called my dad to let him know. My dad tells me to call Kevin back and let him know my Dad will drive me half way, so he isn't backtracking as much. We met right outside of PA, and now I'm back with Kevin!!!!! I have such amazing people in my life.

The better news is, even though I've lost a few pounds, it's been slower than it has been. I have been peeing WAY more and drinking a ton. My blood pressure has been good, and everything is amazing! Feb 10th we get to do the Anatomy scan, and i'll be home by then, but preparing for the baby, and Kevin. The distance will end forever in April.